8.02 at 8:02 pace. Hah! Nice relaxing run after a super stressful day at work. Did the last mile in 7:17 to stretch my legs a little. Hopefully I can sucker Brandon into watching Vanessa for a few hours tomorrow and put in some marathon pace intervals. So...me and my husband got the course map and tried to drive the course for the Prairie Fire Wichita marathon. We got hopelessly lost and went back and started over and tried again multiple times but there are a lot of turns and the map is clear as mud--at some point we are on sidewalk and down some paths where vehicles can't go and then we tried to pick up on the other side but finally got frustrated and gave up. I hope they have a lot of people out there directing traffic or there is going to be some major confusion. Good thing I have Houston to look forward to if this one is a total flop! 