7:35 AP. This workout was a disaster in some ways, great in others. Objective was a 2x3 fast tempo with 1/2 mile recovery. Tempo defined as half-marathon pace or so--at least faster than MP. Well, in my usual fashion, I blew through the first set of 3 miles too fast and legs and lungs were feeling fried by the end. In fact, I decided I wouldn't do the second set of 3 but after recovering a mile and mulling things over decided to do another 3 but at a reasonable pace, which turned out to be about MP. This was actually okay since the second set was on rolling dirt hills and I was pretty fried from first set. warm up 8:53, 8:22 3 miles too fast 6:36, 6:40: 6:37 stagger through a mile recovery 8:57 3 on the rolling dirt 7:13, 7:10, 7:13 1.07 cool down 8:04 pace The funny thing is, I did this exact same thing before my last marathon with this exact same workout(killed myself in the first set and staggered through the second set) so I am not too discouraged.