AM - Longest run ever today! And, of course, Jake and I chose it to be at 6500 ft and gradual uphill on the way back, Why do we do this to ourselves?? Anyway, the run was actually a great course. We started at Park City High School and jumped on the Rail Trail for about 6 miles. We then had a 4 mile loop with rolling hills that we did twice, then ran back on the Rail Trail. Added a little extra at the end to get 22 miles in 2:43:35 (close to how long it will take me to run the marathon). I was feeling pretty rough at 17 miles, but that was mostly due to a miserable headwind ~15 mph. There was definitely no wind on the way out which makes the headwind totally unfair! The wind slowed us down about 20 seconds per mile for about 5 miles. We stashed a powerade bottle at mile 18, and it's amazing how everything changes with just a sip. I got a little more life back into me for the remainder of the run, although I was still pretty tired. Best part of the run - my hamstring didn't bother me!!! I went to SLRC last night desperate for some compression shorts for the long run. They didn't have my size but suggested the L/XL calf sleeves to use instead as my thigh sleeve. I am pretty sure the calf sleeve saved the day today. I didn't feel any jarring at all! And it made me feel good that I was little enough to put something meant for the calf on my thigh :) We went to Wasatch Bagel and Grill for breakfast, and I couldn't even finish 1/3 of my plate b/c I had no appetite. That means lots of ice cream later! Beautiful day outside! I hope everyone is out enjoying it.
