AM - 19 mile out-and-back run at Jeremy Ranch Road. This run is very challenging - so many steep ups and downs with about 950 ft elevation gain overall (at 6000 ft). Jake and I stayed at a comfortable pace the entire run (avg 7:19), mostly discussing whether I should go for the marathon OTQ this fall. This is about a 2 hour conversation, so the run went by pretty fast! I was planning to go 18, but after getting a little G2 at the 16 mile mark, I decided to go for one more mile. This is two weeks of long runs - 20.6 last week and 19 this week. My body handled both of them very well which is pretty exciting. I'm going to have so much more endurance at Long Beach Half in a few weeks that I had at TOU Half (where I PRed), so I'm definitely looking forward to that race. I'm 80% going for OTQ this fall. We put our legs in the cold creek in Park City after the run - I can already tell that it helped a ton!