AM - Showed up for JAJA run but only made it a quarter mile before I realized I was just causing more damage to my hamstring and turned around. It feels a lot worse than it has in the past after a twinge (and I've had quite a few). Usually I'm okay to run easy the next day with only a little discomfort, but that wasn't happening today. I'm sad because I wanted to catch up with the crew this morning....and discouraged because I know it's a terrible idea to race on Friday and try to hit sub-17. Bigger picture - the Half Champs are still my main goal so I have 9 days to heal up. After the running disaster I headed to the gym and did a workout on the recumbent bike. 22 x 45s on/45s off in an attempt to mimic something like 200s on the track. It was a hard effort but not nearly as hard as running the same workout. 38 minutes total. Then yoga for 20 minutes. PM - 40 minutes on the elliptical. It seemed to loosen up my hamstring a bit. Hoping for the best.