AM - 3.8 miles outside. Felt very cold this morning which it was (~5 degrees). After 2 miles, I decided to throw in a hint of speedwork - 6 x 1 minute on/1 min off. Ran the "on" portions at about 5:35 pace and easy jog for the "off". It was hard to move faster with 5 lb of clothes on and cold, so this was a great start. Small steps forward. Lunch - It was a little too soon to run again, so I used my Alter-G time mostly to loosen up. 65% bodyweight (75 lb) and 9 min pace. Ran for 10 minutes then one of my groin muscles cramped so I took a 5 minute backwards walk break, then 15 minutes of running again. Hard to count this as running, so I adjusted the total mileage to 65% (1.8 miles). |