AM - 3 miles on the treadmill. The last few days I've been having some burning pain in the upper gluteal region and distal hamstring into the lateral calf muscle so need to figure out what's going on there. PM - 2 miles with Jake then hot tubbing.
Functional Path Training has some great Lessons from 2012 - We may think we are training the body but we are really training the brain – To borrow Tim Noakes terminology the brain is the “Central governor†it controls everything we do. Talent development is not survival of the fittest – It is not about ten years or 10,000 hours it is a process that involves deliberate practice. It is understanding growth and development, individual rates of maturation. You cannot separate excellence in sport from excellence in life – You can’t be a chump outside of training and a champ in the game. You may get away with for a little while but eventually it will catch up with you. Important to learn how to ask the right questions – This is the key to learning. Asking questions that are insightful and on point. You must train the way you want to play – Yes it is about specificity, but it is more than that. All aspects of training must line up with the demands of the sport. Train fast to play fast; if you train slow you will not be able to play fast. Nothing ventured, nothing gained - No gain without risk. Mistakes are learning opportunities. Coach the athlete you have not some mythical hypothetical model – Know your athletes, their strength & weaknesses, individualize to the greatest extent possible. You must train the female differently – There is a whole different endocrine hormonal environment. Strength training is much more important during all phases of the training year. My rule of thumb with the female athlete is more volume of intensity. Those who achieve at the highest levels are seldom if ever concerned what other have to say about them or judge them to be – High achievers are confident and will stand out from the crowd regardless of criticism.