Short walk with Jake. Will walk a mile this afternoon and PT. I am now at Phase II of Rehab (weeks 4-6). I get to start doing things! Here's the plan (as tolerated with only mild pain) - GOAL: Improve soft tissue flexibility. Reâ€introduce core strengthening and mild to moderate cardiovascular reâ€training. ï‚· Begin with flexibility training of all lower extremitymuscle groups, i.e. hamstrings, adductors, gluteals, calves, hip flexors, quadriceps, etc. o Low load, long duration to softtissue in orderto have plastic changesin tissue ï‚· Core strengthening/Core Stability exercises, i.e. Pelvic tilts, Planks, Dead bugs, etc. ï‚· Isolated muscle progressive resistive exercises o Straight leg raise for hip flexors o “Clamshellsâ€/Sidelying hip abduction and bridging for gluteals o Sidelying hip internal rotation “Cowboysâ€2 for hip internal rotators and adductors o Wall squats/sits for hamstrings and quadriceps o Heel raises for calves ï‚· Straight plane motion of weight bearing, body weight progressive exercises o Forward lunges(not deep lunges) o Single leg pendulum dead lifts o Moutain climbers (use of plinth or table to start) ï‚· Proprioception training o Single leg balance activities including cone taps, hurdles, hip sliders, etc. o Unstable/dynamic surface added to progress difficulty, i.e.foam pad, pillow,tilt board ï‚· Cardiovascular retraining o Elliptical use to pain free tolerance, monitor distance and time o Seated/Recumbent bike o Treadmill walking o Swimming