When we got to the meet, we did half a mile warm up as a whole team and some stretching. Then I did another half mile when it got close to the 300M Hurdles, and then I did some hurdle drills with the other girls. I did alright, considering I didn't want to do them again this year. But I guess I'm still doing them...
The event right after the 300 Hurdles was the 800, so I didn't bother to put my trainers back on, I just did some strides with the other 800 runners and started. My first lap felt great, so my second lap I really pushed. My goal was to be one of the top 800 runners, so being the 5th across the line felt great. :) The event immediately after the 800 was the Medley. 3 events in a row? Yep, that's me. I'm not a sprinter, yet somehow I was one of the 200 runners... Amanda's hand off to me was the best one we've ever done! Yeah! My 200 felt awful, but I pushed hard through it, and my hand off to Natalie...Well I just felt like I hadn't done it too great, but she got the baton, so it's all good. Natalie brought us up from 3rd to 2nd, and Susannah was getting us from 2nd to 1st, but she says that her kick isn't too great...So we were 2nd, which is really good considering that I AM NOT A SPRINTER. Thinking we were done, Amanda and I opened a box of doughnuts. Good thing Bill caught us at bite number 2, because he wanted us to do the 4x4 relay. So Amanda, Sarah, Angela, and I formed a team and practiced hand offs. I was our starting leg, and I had us in an okay spot when I passed the baton to Angela. She helped us keep that good spot, and handed it to Sarah, who also stayed strong. Then she gave it to Amanda, who finished us off excellently! :) Good job girls! Finally, I declared this, "I have done 4 events today, now I am going to go eat food!" It was a good meet, better than last year, when the meet was over spring break and nobody knew about it so Susannah, Bre, and I were the only athletes there...Yes, the only three.