Cool interview with Nan published today on Runner's World Felt the desire to get some turn over going today. It's hard to just go slow all the time when you're accustomed to going faster a couple days a week, and Nan convinced me it would be a good day to do a really light easy workout. So I did an easy run with a number of 45 second strides mixed in just to make sure my legs and heart don't forget their job. The strides felt surprisingly easy even at a fairly decent pace, which is always nice. They were so short though, that any pace probably would have felt easy. Ran with Steve this morning which was great. He's also doing Moab this weekend, fun to chat about that and other stuff. paces for the 45 second intervals: 5:16, 5:17, 5:21, 4:11, 4:10, 4:16, 4:18 - I'm enjoying how a quicker pace has become pretty comfortable now after close to 3 months of consistent speed work. Those paces would have felt really awkward for any amount of time a few months ago. totals: 7.5 miles - 59:30 - 7:57/avg - 570' vertical - HR 139 avg