Chaire Herodikos Selymbriaios!

Whidbey Half Marathon

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Member Since:

Apr 15, 2007



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

3:25:46 Marathon (Seattle '07)

1:36:56 Half Marathon (Whidbey '07)

1:34:30 Half Marathon - in race (Seattle '07)

53:02 12k (Rhody Run '07)

6:55 pace 14.52/185 mi relay (Northwest Passage '08)

Short-Term Running Goals:


June 1: 163  157!

June 8: 161  156

June 15: 159  156

June 22: 157  153

June 29: 155

July 6: 153

July 13: 151

July 20: 149  August 1: 149.6!


Oct 26: Cape Cod Marathon 

Long-Term Running Goals:

Emulate my stepfather -- still running at 87!


I know a secret technique for opening mangos taught me by a Wolof sorcerer. I was briefly a political appointee at the U.N. I am intimately familiar with a disciple of David Hume.

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to Ukraine's Armed Forces
Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Mizuno Elixir Lifetime Miles: 128.80
NB 890v2 Lifetime Miles: 106.80
Kinvara 2 Black Lifetime Miles: 328.45
Merrell Sonic Glove Lifetime Miles: 9.90
Kinvara 3 Red Lifetime Miles: 83.10
Kinvara 3 Blue Lifetime Miles: 99.25
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Race: Whidbey Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:36:56, Place overall: 40, Place in age division: 7
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

First competitive race (ever!), felt pretty good about it. 7:30 has been my usual pace, and it was nice to come just under that in race conditions. The course was pretty hilly (full marathoners complained on the bus) but running up Queen Anne hill in Seattle seems to have worked--I felt OK on the inclines.

Main concern at this point is staying power. Kind of lost steam the last two miles or so, and since I've been training at around 25 miles a week, it's clear I'll have to increase that pretty quickly between now and marathon day at the end of July.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Sasha Pachev on Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 13:44:02

Aaron - congratulations on a good race, and welcome to the blog. You seem to have a good measure of running talent. Increasing your mileage will definitely help you hold the pace better. Assuming you are under 35, your Boston qualifying time is 3:10:59. Based of a few bits of information you provided, I think it would not be an unrealistic goal to trying to hit it in your marathon. In my opinion, the key to success at this point is getting out six days a week and running a minimum daily mileage quota. I would put it at 6 miles for you, with the long run being 12 miles. That will increase as you gain fitness.

From Aaron on Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 16:03:31

Sasha-- thanks! Didn't want to be grandiose, but am definitely planning to give 3:10 my best shot. Six a day sounds good, only concern is that when I tried to ramp it up back in January and February I started having shinsplint problems. I think that may have been the shoes though--bought a new pair and am feeling pretty spry. Anyway, appreciate the input.

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 23:06:03

Make sure to do most of your miles slow enough, as well as increase the mileage gradually.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Took a couple days off after the race. My lower left calf is still feeling very stiff, but that's the only lasting soreness. Will keep an eye on it--same calf went into spasm when I was taking my shoes off on Sunday. Poor stretching, I think.

Went about as fast today as I felt comfortable, just over 7:30 (ran a new course, and don't have the milestones figured out precisely yet). 6.5 miles was 0:52. Starting speedwork at the track this weekend, until then will just go at the usual pace.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Same route as yesterday. Calf was really tight when I started out, then it loosened up at mile 4 so I pounded Madison, feeling pretty darn good. 50:55.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David Nelson on Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 22:57:18

Aaron --

I noticed your blog today, I don't see many other Washington runners on here. You live in Seattle? I'm in Bremerton, but I'm in the city fairly often if you ever want to get together for a run, or meet at a race. I'm planning on either the Rhody Run 12k in Pt. Townsend or the Viking Run 5m in Poulsbo (same day) next month.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

First speed workout ever. 4x400 with intermediary cooldown laps at half speed (ok, the first two were more or less walking). No idea about pace, so after a light run to the track and stretches I did a lap at about marathon pace. Seemed to go fine, so I thought I'd turn it up a notch. Cave dominus videt!


1 - 1:13 (dying!)

2 - 1:15 (gorge in my throat!)

3 - 1:22 (tasting that yogurt and granola!)

4 - 1:20 (put a fork in me!)

Clearly there are some conditioning issues. Before we left the track my 80-year-old stepfather challenged me to a 200 (he did it in 0:45, which I find pretty impressive)

Postscript: Thinking about it now, while I definitely have to work on tolerating elevated HR, I wonder if part of the problem wasn't my breathing. I was still doing the 3-2 pattern I use for strenuous (e.g. hilly) long distance, and there was probably some extra anoxia, which would have contributed to the nausea I think. So maybe it's technique as well as conditioning.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Blakely route. Very hilly. Took it pretty easy, hoping to avoid a recurrence of shinsplint issues after my first 30 mile week. Wyatt and Eagle Harbor (2.5 mi) 19:00; Eagle Harbor and far outlet of Rose Loop (4.12 mi) 40-something; Blakely and Oddfellows Road (7.65 mi)-1:02 something. Just before I hit Hall's Hill (6.3 mi) my HR, whatever it was, was just peachy--felt like I could run forever. Nice timing! Recovered "Good HR Feeling" pretty quickly after ninety seconds of, like, 25-thousand percent grade, which seems encouraging. Great view (7.3 mi) of sunny Rich Passage after the early-morning rain.

Overall time 1:41-something (button error before the cool-down lap), for 8-minute pace.

I'm thinking it could be a good idea to space out speedwork and long runS. Legs felt a little cranky after a couple miles on the track yesterday. Maybe Wed mornings would be better than Sat. Experimenting with icing the left shin right after shower, will see if that helps.

Update - Shins fine. Heel sore.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

On the treadmill to give the heel a rest. 1.25 mi s l o w l y to the gym, 1.25 at 8:00 pace (HR up to 160 stabilized at 154), then 5k at 6:40 pace (HR up to 170 stabilized around 167). Somewhat strenuous, but not much problem sustaining it.

Heel isn't bruised, must be a muscular or tendon issue. Doesn't seem too serious, probably needs more stretching. Rest day tomorrow. Bicycle commute!

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Training accident: drank a sprite in the late am. Haven't had any refined sugar in ages, and the extra miles have clearly changed the way I process it while at rest. Not fun, particularly before I figured out what was going on. Moral: avoid refined sugar.

Biked 20 miles @ 18-20mph except Broad St. hill.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Waving the brown shirt today--looks like I've signed up with the Fasciitis-isti. Stretching the arch doesn't seem to help much, and since I've been running hills with few problems since I got back from Switzerland I'm betting it's the new shoes. Recommendations from the crowd for a new make&model (slight over-pronator) would be gratefully accepted. Seems to go away after the first mile or so, but I definitely feel it before and afterwards.

In a nod to orthopedic reality went a sludge-slow 8:45. Had planned to run Grand Forest, but after zestfully zipping around a couple of loops I realized that uneven ground and steep inclines probably weren't the best thing for the heel at this point, so did two laps around the Little League ballfield (poor first baseman totally botched a grounder as I rounded right field) and called it a night.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Splits - 5x ballfield = 10:00

Today's run started out as a funeral procession and ended up as Mardi Gras. Babied the foot all day then got home and taped it up good. Ran about fifty feet before it started to throb, then ache, then something worse. Stopped after about half a mile, put my tail between my legs and started to walk home. Suddenly it felt better. Broke into a jog again--same thing. Started to walk again. Better. Finally I just said screw it, and kept on going at the Plantar Pace out to the ballfield. Must have stretched out or something, or maybe the foot settled into the tape job, or a combination of the two, because after 1.7 miles of cautious sluggery I hit the field running at a really good clip and just started flying (for me anyway) at a 6:45 pace. Running on the grass felt great. Did five laps and chugged on home at about 7:25, even going into a kick on the last 400m. Cooldown lap around the garden and wouldn't you know it, all in all I feel like a pretty satisfied customer. Total time 40:00.


Biked 20 mi @18-20mph except Broad St and Eastlake hills.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Sigh. This mission is scrubbed. Plantar really burning + favoring right leg mucking up mechanics. On the elliptical until inflammation goes down. Alas and alack!


1) Shouldn't have run track and hills back to back.

2) Should have paid more attention to creaky foot in the morning.

In retrospect looks like a generic overtraining injury rather than a shoe problem, but maybe I'll take advantage of the hiatus to go shopping.

Bike ride tomorrow out to Point No Point.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Met DG at the ferry for year's first real ride, out to Twin Spits via Suquamish, Port Gamble and Hood Canal. Sweet day: overcast with sunbreaks in the early AM resolving to wispy upper-atmospheric doodads around noon. Rather miffed about the foot and cranked fairly hard on the rollers and headlands--by the time my quads have recovered enough for serious running the plantar'll be fine!

Dropped DG off at Kingston dock and ran into Bill Abbey of the West Sound Cycling Club on the way home.

64.95 mi avg 16.2 mph

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Elliptical 45 min resistance 11 avg HR 143

Walked 3 mi

6 x 30 sec towel pulls

6 x 30 sec table leans

20 toe curls

15 min frozen bottle roll

Took a while to stretch out the injured foot this morning, and I could feel my ankle getting sore from having changed my gait to accomodate it. Once I corrected that walking felt good until the last half mi when the heel started swelling up a bit. Basically I feel some improvement, but can tell that it's not ready for full speed on hard surfaces. Water running this week, then will see how it feels on the ballfield at a moderate pace next weekend.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David Nelson on Tue, May 01, 2007 at 11:33:15

Aaron --

Sorry I didn't get back to you last week, I went up into the Cascades and was away from the blog. I'm not sure about Rhody Run this weekend, I just bought a house and have to do an inspection, and it may be that day. What's your email address again?

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Biked 52.5 mi 18,2 mph avg, 4x 2 mi sprints at 23 mph.

Was planning to resume routine today, but heel felt pretty tender. Give it another day.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Back in the saddle! The hiatus has been killing me, not least because spring has really sprung out here on Puget Sound, the weather is comestible, and everyone from the herons to the sea lions to the babes in bikini tops is letting it all hang out. But no sense in picking a chronic ailment a few months before the race. So--two weeks on the elliptical. Ugh.

Didn't want to overdo it, ran around the track for half an hour at (Garmin enforced) 8-8:30 pace, except for the second-to-last lap, which I took in 6:45. A few minor complaints from the foot along the way (mostly the heel, now and again something like a cramp in the arch), more tenderness from the newly-healed tissue I think than anything serious. We'll see how it feels this evening, but I think we're back in business. Let's try 4 mi a day five days this week and see where that leaves us.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David Nelson on Sat, May 12, 2007 at 13:14:39

What's the race a few months off you mention in this post?

I got your email last and replied today, we'll hook up soon. Hopefully this weather holds, it's something else right now.

From Aaron on Sat, May 12, 2007 at 19:57:21

SF Marathon, baby. If the fasciitis doesn't clear up soon though I'm not going to be in shape for anything under 3:45 or so, in which case I'll probably do Portland in October.

Wasn't today something else? You should have seen Seabeck. Next sat is theoretically viable-- will give a ring end of next week.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Foot only a little sore this morning, but discretion-is-the-better-part and so forth. So I hopped on the bike instead & chugged out to the aptly named Scenic Beach State Park by Seabeck, where I lounged on the shore and read Dickens. To spice things up--as if the most spectacular scenery in Washington State wasn't enough--wore my new Garmin with the heart rate monitor. That thing is flipping fun! Took it up to 185 bpm at the summit of Anderson Hill, otherwise was mostly cruising in the 140s and 150s. 61.2 miles round trip, avg 14.8 mph, flagging a bit on the return (until Snicker bar no. 2 just past Poulsbo). Pretty satisfied with that, as the hills were vicious and trafficky.

Z1 12:51

Z2 33:24

Z3 1:22:35

Z4 1:37:03

Z5 19:44

Note to Highway Department: two separate flats from road trash. Please improve shoulder maintenence (or my vision, whichever seems easiest).

Back to the track tomorrow.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

On the track. Messed up the laps, but averaged 7:40 pace, Started at 8:30, took it up to 7:30 for a mile, then to 6:30 for the last mile with a sprint to the finish then a cooldown lap. Everything felt aok: a bit of soreness in the heel when I stretched the achilles afterwards, but nothing too bad. Doing the frozen water bottle thing as I type; we'll see how it is this evening.


Z1 0:04

Z2 0:35

Z3 8:10

Z4 17:18

Z5 6:47

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Biked 16 mi.153 bpm avg 186 bpm max.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Biked 13.5 miles. Commute-level effort.

 Z1  3:00
 Z2  6:14
 Z3  11:46
 Z4  6:58
 Z5  1:16

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Biked 69 mi around Lake Washington. 15 mph headwind coming through Lake Sammamish corridor slowed us down quite a bit causing both me and DG to bonk at the end (climbed Ravenna at about 7mph!), but all in all a nice workout.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Race: Rhody Run 12k (Pt. Townsend, WA) (7.46 Miles) 00:53:02, Place overall: 72, Place in age division: 9
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Fun race. With the foot acting up I can only run about once or twice a week--can't very well train until it improves, so the S.F. Marathon in July has turned into a pumpkin (i.e., a half). By the time that became clear though I'd already signed up for the Rhody, and was kind of looking it as my last hurrah before an extended period of non-running. Didn't want to go all out and hurt anything else, but thought I'd give a decent effort. Took the first mile at 7:15, and the course's only real incline didn't slow me down much - finally settled in at just about 7:00/mi. A guy from Tacoma liked the pace, and we yakked all the way to mile 7, where I broke away and finished at a 6-minute clip. Broke the tape still accelerating at 12mph according to Garmin. All in all, left a nice taste in my mouth.


 1  7:14
 2  7:01
 3  7:40
 4  7:03
 5  6:53
 6  6:55
 7  7:03
 .53  3:12

HR was mostly in the 160s and low 170s and topped out at 190; averaged 186 on the last half mi.

Postscript: Sped to the car for a quick getaway, hoping to get in a tub of hot water before the heel tightened, but no such luck: ended up hitting the accelerator with my left foot all the way home. So it's crosstraining for a few weeks, then hopefully start working on October's Portland Marathon. And this time train smarter. Errors to avoid: 1) should have dialed down the week after the Whidbey half, rather than up; 2) shouldn't have done intervals and difficult long run on consecutive days; 3) was stretching achilles too hard and calves not enough; 4) ignored aching in arches--could have nipped it in the bud; 5) shoes with more control and less cushioning probably a good idea.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Biked 20.24 mi 17.4 mph avg. Total ascent 2121'.

 Z1  2:42
 Z2  7:51
 Z3  21:57
 Z4  49:06
 Z5  3:46

Sticking to my resolution to rest the foot for a few weeks is hard. The first 24 hours after the race was pretty bad, then the pain subsided and my body started trying to trick me again into thinking it's better. Went for a long brisk walk yesterday evening to see how that would feel and had to almost physically stop myself from breaking into a trot. But this morning it was sore. So if I want to be running more than once a week looks like this is what I've gotta do.

One thing for sure, when I get back on the horse I'm going to take it a lot slower while I build a mileage base. 9:00 miles feel ugly, but it looks like I wasn't ready for faster times at the higher frequency.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Biked 14.55 mi, avg speed 16.7 mph total ascent 2897 ft avg hr 138 max hr 180.

Had a chat with Julia, who's been rehabbing a strained glute. Misery loves company--but on the other hand she says she was only on the shelf for two weeks (from a 45-50 mi base) and is down an hour on her long runs, so that part was kind of depressing.

Heel inflammation has apparently migrated from the PF to the cruciate crural ligament, I guess from all the abnormal stresses. The lateral edge of the dorsal foot aches from below the ankle on back, but the medial side seems fine. Not too bad, but I have to make sure I'm totally in alignment when I stretch or it seems to get irritated.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Lybi on Fri, May 25, 2007 at 02:17:33

Hey Aaron, sorry about your foot! I read a couple of your other days and you said you were stretching your achilles more than your calf muscle. How can you tell a difference? Anything I should know when I go to stretch?

Also said you wished you had nipped the arch pain in the bud. What would you have done? I have a little sharp pain developing right where my arch meets the ball of my foot--just behind the knuckle of the big toe on the bottom. I'm also getting used to new shoes, though, so I have been ignoring it. Any advice?

From Aaron on Fri, May 25, 2007 at 10:33:50

Hi Lybi. Not super-impressed with the quality of my advice at the moment, especially with so many other experienced runners around! But for whatever little it's worth, I would never ignore foot pain, especially if you've just gotten new shoes. Instead of wall leans, try a few reps of the following stretch: extend the leg fully and grasp the end of the foot, as close to the ball as you're comfortably able (if you're not too flexible you may want to loop a belt around the arch). Gently pull the front of the foot toward the shin. Hold for twenty or thirty seconds. It turns out that arch pain (when there's not an underlying orthopedic problem) is often an outcome of tightness in the calves. This stretch helps me a lot when the foot aches. If it doesn't work, try soaking the foot, or experimenting with a different pair of shoes--even good shoes are sometimes not right for someones running style (for example, you may tend to turn your foot inward). But if you're getting a sharp pain in your foot running on it may not be the right thing to do.

I was stretching the achilles with the leg bent, which put a lot of stress on the tendon and didn't do much for the calf. If I'd done the dorsiflexion that I described above I have a feeling I'd be a lot better off. I noticed tightness or achiness in the arch back in March, but figured it was just something I'd have to get over. Instead it was early signs of fsciitis.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Biked to Leschi and straight back over the hill to the ferry. Worked up a pretty good sweat, but stop and go mileage doesn't really count. Dropped by Seattle Running Company for new shoes (Waverider 10s). The Nikes were pretty much dust after little more than a hundred miles--me and Phil Knight are so over, man.

Had an interesting experience in the afternoon. Morning meeting, left a paycheck in a pile of papers. Dawned on me about lunchtime, about had a heart attack (had spent months finagling it out of HMS). Mounted my bike with a running leap and headed back over to the meeting site. Light turned green, rode from a dead stop up the hill past Safeway, about a 4 or 5 percent grade. Looked at my speedometer and I was going 20!

Conclusion: there's power to be had in those muscles. It would be great to be able to harness the adrenaline a bit more consciously, whether on foot or bicycle.

Postscript: they unlocked the door and it was right where I'd left it.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

We were planning on bike camping out at Hurricane Ridge but weather canceled. Then rode into Seattle this morning to do the lake Washington Loop, but by the time the 7:05 ferry pulled in at Colman Dock monsoon conditions had ensued. Right hammy was a bit sore from all the calf stretches, and I'm paranoid about screwing something else up at this point: riding around in the cold and wet seemed like a recipe for disaster. Ended up tootling out to DG's place and back, 20 miles total. Blech. Definitely short on endorphins this afternoon.

Ah, much better. 34.2 mi ride out to Kingston. Light rain, then clear with a pearly mist covered sunset at Agate Passage. 16.8 mph avg, HR avg 154. Nice.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

60 min on the elliptical resistance 8, 30 min @ 120 strides/min, 30 min @ 160 strides min, avg HR 138.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

60 min elliptical resistance 8, 30 min@120 strides/min, 30 min @ 160 s/m, avg HR 140.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

60 min elliptical, res 8, 30 min @ 130 s/m, 30 min @ 180 s/m with 2 2 min sprints at 220 s/m, avg HR 153.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

38 min elliptical, res 10, 150 s/m, with 2 sprints @ 200 s/m, avg HR 151.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

biked 13 mi easy pace.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

biked 20 mi easy pace.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

60 min elliptical, res 8, 30 min @ 140 s/m, with 4 2-min sprints at 190 s/m, 1 1-min sprint @ 220 s/m. Got HR up to at least 191, which was kinda fun.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Ran 4 miles on the track at 10-min pace with light jog there and back. Heel a bit sore but not too bad.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Just as a morale-builder, I'm going to start counting the elliptical "miles." So: 30 minutes with resistance on 8, 160+ s/min, with a 4 min warmup and cooldown on 110 s/m. Machine claims that equals 4 miles (from the feeling in my quads, must be four miles on jupiter or something). Sweat keeps on mucking up the HR monitor, but I think I peaked at 175 and averaged 155 or so.

Slept with The Sock last night and heel/ankle felt pretty good today, which is encouraging. Going to try running five or six easy miles every other day and elliptifying on the off days, see where a week of that leaves me. I've really been missing actual running.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

5 miles at the track staying strictly between 9:30 and 10:00 miles. Was planning to do 6, but felt a small ache and cut it short. Nothing to worry about, though: medial ankle and foot a little tight afterwards, but basically good. This is exciting.

At that pace I could also pay more attention to running form: when it was really good I had to slow down all over again, with more or less the same expenditure of effort. This reinforces a thought I had yesterday on the elliptical trainer, to wit, I've been going way too fast. On every run I would always come out blazing, and basically do an LT/tempo or even anaerobic workout every time. When I was at three or four days a week that was more or less OK, though it may have built too much leg muscle too fast and contributed to the foot problems, as well as retarding CV development. But it was totally unsustainable at higher rates of activity. Interestingly, the habit carried over when I was confined to the gym, where I would crank the resistance up and habitually work out at 80-90% of max HR--as if that was "better."  Not.

So a toast to more thoughtful training. Didn't get as far in 45 minutes as I usually would in the past, but it felt just as good. One tempo a week is plenty.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Five and a half "miles" on the elliptical trainer. Kept HR between 130 and 140 while increasing resistance gradually from 6 to 12 over the course of 45 min, which seemed like a pretty good way of feeling my way toward a stable easy HR. Foot feels pretty good. Run around greenlake tomorrow..

Biked 13 mi.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Planning to run Greenlake with Michael but he was pretty hung over and the foot was sore four days after resuming regular workouts, so today was off. Biked 21.3 miles.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Was looking at some race photos. In each and every one I'm puckered up like I've just been goosed. So today at the track I decided to work on my race face. The problem is that I usually find my rhythm by breathing, which naturally causes a kind of lip-pucker. The alternative is humming something under my breath, but with all due respect to Gospodin Pachev it needed to be suitable for a bachelor: no B-I-N-G-O for me. Reviews follow.

"Let's Fall In Love"-- Not bad. Syllables on the downbeat with modest syncopation. Runs pretty well.

"The Guns of Brixton"-- Probably the best. Strong, clear, repetitive melody. Trochees, with the stress on the downbeat. Fast paced. Top notch.

"My Funny Valentine"--Surprisingly effective. You have to butcher the song quite a bit to get it to work, of course.

"Mr. Paganini"--Awful! Syncopation, irregular syllables. Swing is not good for runners. Totally got me off my stride.

"A Tisket a Tasket"--Well, it worked, but (a) it made me run too fast, and (b) I felt really stupid muttering about that little yellow basket I lost.

"What Does The Deep Sea Say"--Excellent. Strong downbeat on 1, easy syncopation, then downbeat on three and four. Good old Doc Watson.

The run itself was pretty good. Walked half a mile, then jogged to the track. The arch felt super tight at first; I had to stop a couple of times and stretch. After that it gave me a few warning twinges (not pain, just the tight feeling) whenever I got much above 9:00 miles for any extended period, so I tried to stay in the 9:10 range. We'll see how it is later this evening.

With the half-mile warmup and cooldown walk, 6 miles and 1:02 in all.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Five "miles" on the elliptical. Fitness slowly returning toward late April levels. Resistance 8, warmup 800 at 140 s/m then 4 mi @ 170 s/m which works out to (according to their calculator) about 8:30 miles, sprinting the last 800 at 220 s/m then cooldown at 120 or so. HR averaged 160 and seemed to increase at a slow, steady rate throughout the workout, topping out at 190 after two-minute sprint.

Felix Hernandez has another tough outing. Nice inside-th-park homer by Bloomquist though.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Pushing the pace ever so slightly. Warmup 10's to the track, then five mi of 8:45 or so then another 10 home with a 5-min walk down to the beach. Teh first mile (8:30) HR was around 143, inched up a bit thereafter but not too much (last mile was 148).

Test drove "How High the Moon" and "Lullaby of Birdland," which weren't bad. Then started fooling around with my own cadence and came up with (E minorish):


1    2        3  2    1  1  7   15(down) 1     2        3 2    1   1  54321

Did the job.

Highest mileage week so far, if you count the gym workouts. One more week of alternating days then let's start running back to back. Tempos on the elliptical, though, until the inflammation is in the rearview mirror.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Lybi on Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 12:35:31

Good job on the mileage! I think running music selection is of supreme importance, too. By the way, you get the award for having the coolest, most inspiring day job. I must know the secret of the mango, too! Where can one find a Wolof sorcerer?

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

On the elliptical. Fartlek.

Res 6 - 10 min warmup 130 s/m (HR 122)

Res 8 - 1.5 mi 185 s/m (HR 177), 5 min 100 s/m (HR 126), 5 x 80m strides (HR 173), 5 min sprintouts (HR 156)

Res 12 - 400m hill simulation (HR 189)

Res 8 - 1 min ~185 s/m (HR 184), 10 min cooldown 130 --> 100 s/m (HR 129).

Sleep: midnight to 7:30. Woke once or twice.

Food: 8:00 - Bowl of whole milk plain yogurt, whey protein, granola, bananas, glass of V-8. 10:00 - Cup of decaf coffee. 1:00 - Fish fillets, onions, brown rice. 6:00 - Pad Thai, 8 oz. watermelon, 8 oz. cherries. 10:00 - Burger, two Budweisers, 11:30 - spinach noodles with parmesan and pepper.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David on Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 18:00:22

Aaron --

I've been off the blog for awhile because I moved and didn't have internet access nor time, blah blah blah. Are you back on the road yet? I'm thinking about going to the trail system up near Port Gamble next Saturday morning. Interested?

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Pretty creaky today. First early AM run in a while, morning was very cool and damp. Had to stretch foot quite a bit, and never really got loose. Some shinsplint action in the left foot. Elliptical is low impact, but may have overdone it yesterday given reduced fitness.

Warmup mile at 9:30 (HR 134), two miles at 8:22 (HR 143) two at about 9:10 (HR 140), cooldown at 9:30 (135ish). Icing.

Sleep: 11:30-6:45, woke once.

Food: 8:00 - whole milk yogurt, whey protein, granola. 10:00 - decaf coffee. 2:30 - chicken in sherry and rosemary with onion and potatoes, large garden salad in O&V. 7:00 - 1 beer, sag aloo, mixed grill, lamb samosa (very full). Did not hydrate enough.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Forgot my headband as I left for the gym. Disaster. Spent an hour broadcasting sweat in a 1 ft radius around the machine--fortunately I was on the end and it was pretty empty, but too bad for the portly, middle-aged woman who sat down to my left at about minute 45. With a Baywatch rerun blaring above us, she drowned. Was able to jam through two Italian lessons (signorina! vorrebbe mangiare qualcosa da me?), at which rate I figure I can pick up two or three languages and maybe an Italian exchange student by the time the foot's completely healed.

Fairly low-stress workout. Resistance 6, started out at 170 s/m with HR around 135, crept upward (dehydration?) to the 150s, at which point I would ease up. By "mile 5.5" was somewhere around 150 s/m and 150 bpm. Took the last "600 meters" at 200 s/m which boosted HR to 184. After Friday's death march (above 179 for 7 minutes) felt relatively little stress. Didn't push it in the interests of getting actual work done this morning, but hopefully this signals improvement in my fitness.

Heel pretty sore this AM until stretching, at which point it was fine. I think that's because for once I didn't sleep with the sock.

Sleep: 1 AM- 7.

Food: 8:00 - whole milk yogurt, whey protein, granola. 2:00 - fish in soya and ginger, 2 bananas, large garden salad in O&V. 4:00 - 3 bananas and peanut butter, rice. 8:00 - rice, 1/2 watermelon, 2 bananas, 8 oz cherries. Got a little squirrely around 4:00 or so.


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Lybi on Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 16:32:36

Funny! Gotta remember that headband. My husband is the same way. After he runs on our treadmill I always feel like I need to wash it off with a garden hose.

I'm gonna look for that book at the library tonight--sounds helpful! Thanks.

When it comes to music, the song that always leads to the fastest pace for me is "Respect" (Aretha Franklin). Funky old song, not even that fast of a beat, but it just makes me fly, for some reason. I also really like "Prayin' for Daylight" "Little Miss Can't Be Wrong" "Istanbul" (They Might Be Giants).

So it's PF, is it? Annoying problem. Good luck. May the sock be with you.

You should start an Italian club on the blog--lots of people speak or are Italian on this blog.

From Dave on Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 22:40:41

I am still running in some Landreth II's. My favorite shoe ever, although I have tried on the III's and really like the feel of them. I developed a bad case of PF last summer at about this time with a large increase in mileage. I have used the sock now for the last 1/2 year and just use it occasionally now - but it does feel a bit better most of the time now. So ice it up and use the sock with consistency.

From Aaron on Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 00:57:15

I'm afraid my PF falls more under the heading of "randomly stupid overtraining." I increased mileage, then ran speed and 12.5m of killer hills on back to back days. But it's getting better slowly, thanks for the good advice. I'll see about the Landreths--maybe someone has a pair of IIs on overstock.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Off day.

Sleep: 11:30-7:30, woke 3 times.

Food: 8:00 - whole milk yogurt, whey protein, granola, 1 banana, 1:30 - turkey salad (excessive mayo, no dressing) on romaine, chicken soup, blueberries, 5:00 - whole (small) watermelon, 3 bananas, 8:30 - leftover indian over rice, green salad in O&V, 1/2 bottle of nice Venetian pinot grigio, top-notch blue cheese (multiple servings!).

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Ran after work from the University to Greenlake, where I met Michael and we did once around. Body was really raring for a bit more speed than of late; took some willpower to keep it to 7:40 or so on the way over. Michael, fortunately, is kind of a candyass: 3 x 10 minute miles to finish up. Foot feels a little sore, but nothing special. The weather was spectacularly blue and dreamy. When I first started running again it was around Greenlake, about 20 months ago: I could barely make one circuit. This felt good.

Sleep: 11:00 to 5, with a long period of wakefulness at 2:30, apparently because I somnambulated and bashed my elbow (woke up bruised and facing the complete opposite direction on the bed).

Food: (Wed) 8:00 - whole milk yogurt, whey protein, granola. 12:00 - spinach salad with O&V. 2:00 chicken breast in sherry with yams, potatos and onions. 7:00 - chicken breast with rice. (Thurs) 5:30 - whole milk yogurt, whey protein, granola. 12:30 - beans, rice and yogurt. 7:45 grilled chicken caesar salad.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

On the elliptical. Res 8, averaged around 8:00/miles (= ca. 175 s/m). Finished off with a 1:40 400. HR avg 151, topped off at 183. Another two Italian lessons. Very hot woman on the next machine. She asked if I was done with the Us magazine that somebody had piled on the floor. Told her I'd especially enjoyed the article about dressing like a celebrity mom-to-be and handed it over with my number. Nothing so far. We hope.

Sleep: 11:00-5:45, woke a few times.

Food: 6:00 - whole milk yogurt, whey protein, granola. 10:00 - 2 bananas. 1:00 tofu in sesame oil with chickpeas, onions and spinach. 3:00 - beans, rice and yogurt. 5:30 - 1 beer, strawberries.

PS: Godspeed to all Wasatchels! 

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

A doubly historic morning: my 36th birthday and Fastrunningblog's conquest of Washington State. Met up with David and ran down Stottlemeyer towards Port Gamble (well, *away* from Port Gamble at first, until it dawned on us we were holding the map upside down). Lovely weather: warm, slightly overcast, with rumors of sunbreaks every now and then. Agate Passage on the way over was glassy and self-satisfied. The official objective was to run a trail system David had heard about, which we finally found at about mile 6. Logging roads, maybe twenty or thirty years old. Some nice twisty single-track, too, which was fun, whipping past the brambles on either side. Took it nice and easy on the trails, and otherwise the pace seemed (from my point of view!) like a pretty good compromise between two rather different fitness levels: around 7:20 or so. Felt like I was pushing it a bit on the last hill, but within reason.

Iced the heel/ankle afterwards and stretched a bunch, and it feels a bit sore, but not too bad. Will try next week at around 42, with two back-to back days on the road and maybe stretching the long run to 10 or 11, and see where that leaves things.

Sleep: 12:15-5:00

Food: 8:00 - Roast beef, potatoes, spinach pasta in very winy tomato sauce, 9:00 - 1 beer, pretzels, 6:30 - power bar (blech).

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Was curious how the foot would respond to a longer and more strenuous run than I've done in quite a while. It's going to be sore, the goal is just to keep it in chronic rather than acute mode. Whether it was the icing, prophylactic ibuprofen, stretching, night splint or all of them, returns seem to be good. I think I was slightly conservative during the run, maybe can open it up a bit.

A little stiff this morning (especially in the hip/glute area, which is unusual), so walked 1.5 miles to the gym and stretched the ITB a couple of extra times for good measure. Then ran off "6.25 miles" in about 53:00, keeping it around 165 s/m. HR was significantly lower than usual, averaging 128 and maxing out at 159 after 2 or 3 minutes at 200 s/m. I think this may have been because I hydrated better, or perhaps the change in breakfast food? More carbs in pancakes. Also the NH3 smell was gone, perh for the same reason. Foot started aching about 25 minutes in, so I slowed down a little. Two more Italian lessons.

Sleep: 1:00 to 7:10, woke twice.

Food: 6:30 to 12:30 - Well, birthday cake and many assorted beverages. 8:30 - about 10 pancakes with butter and maple syrup, yogurt and whey protein.


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David on Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 11:26:46

Way to bounce back, sounds like Saturday agreed with your foot. I'm up for something this weekend, though Sunday morning early may work better for me. I'll figure it out and let you know though. Hopefully my hamstring cooperates, it's a strange thing right now.

From adam on Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 11:47:46

ho visto che stai imparando l'italiano....fra', quest'e' la lingua piu' bella del mondo!!!! in bocca a lupo con l'allenamento sia con la corsa che l'italiano!

From Aaron on Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 13:35:22

Certo! Ho bisogno di tutto l'aiuto che posso ottenere....

From adam on Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 21:38:36

pian piano il tuo italiano si migliorera' se cerca nouve parole e come vengono usate correttamente. ad esempio, l'avverbio attualmente non voule dire "actually" ma "right now in time". Effettivamente voule dire "actually". questo e' una difficolta' nell'imparare l'italiano, ci sono tante parole che sembrano come quelle inglesi. ce la fai pero'!

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Gor, grim run. Slept badly, never woke up. Foot was super tight on the warmup mile over to the track, left shin aching too, giving me exactly zero happy lower extremities. Chugged around at 8:30, probably should have gone a bit slower but I just wanted it to be over. Two ibuprofen and a hot shower has me somewhat happier. 

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

180-degree turn from yesterday. Slept 71/2 hours or so, woke up feeling sprightly and decided to do two "real" runs back to back after all. Warmup mile was OK, same tightness in the foot and shin, but stretched at the track and got it more or less ready to go, then rattled off a 7:40 1600 (HR 150). Surprise! It felt good. On the last lap had some Hausfrau action in the inside lane, which was annoying, and after I sped up to avoid them I ended up just keeping along at that pace, making for a 6:50 1600 (HR 169). Still good. Another mile in the sevens then a 6:45 and I tootled on home with a big smile on my face. Two ibuprofens and an icepack later life is good.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Off day. Biked 20 miles to work in the morning and then the ballpark for an Ms game. Seattle 2 Boston 1 in 11. Stellar.

Strange experience on the Burke-Gilman Trail: I ran over a squirrel which decided to make a run for it just as I passed. That happened to me last year with a yap dog which I ended up hitting broadside at 25 mph. I've never hit anything in a car but now two on a bike. The squirrel seemed surprised, but ok, I think I just got his tail. Dog by contrast was in pretty rough shape.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Had meant to run 6 at Greenlake but ended up working late at the office and then missed the 7:20 ferry. So 3 miles on the gym's treadmill at 9:30, showered and left just as they were closing. Wore my favorite thin-soled Italian shoes today, and the arch was very unhappy earlier, but it feels OK now. One Italian lesson. Come to think of it, that makes two Italian lessons.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David on Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 02:36:32

Good to hear Sunday works, send me an email with time and place to meet. On Gmail, I check that more often.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

PM run at the track. 8's. Lots of aches and pains: ITB a bit sore.  Planning to run 7 or 8, but maybe better to stabilize in the mid-30s for now.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

On the elliptical. Couldn't run normally today -- ITB very sore. This is frustrating. Too fast again?

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Brent on Sat, Jun 30, 2007 at 21:03:50

Suggestion: Dixie Cup ice the sore spot three times a day. Freeze water in dixie cups, tear off part of the top, circle the ice on the sore sport for 5 minutes three times a day. Also, lay on you side, put bottom leg over the knee of the top leg and apply pressure down with the bottom leg with pushing up witht he top leg. This is difficult to describe, hold for 40 seconds, three sets. Good luck.

From Sasha Pachev on Sat, Jun 30, 2007 at 21:31:02

Yes, too fast. I would recommend just jogging for 6 months to build overall injury resiliency before trying speed. Race as little as you can during that time. You will actually run faster in those few races because of having more time to train while healthy.

From Aaron on Sun, Jul 01, 2007 at 17:08:23

Brent-- thanks. That sounds better than the one where you lean on the elbow and twist around, which clearly wasn't doing the job.

Sasha-- I know, I know. I'd been running on the track to save wear and tear on the PF, but plodding around in circles at 2:20 a lap was driving me crazy. At least the foot's feeling good enough that I can plod around on the road now.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Met up with David and ran by Hansville from Twin Spits to Point-No-Point Lighthouse and back. Morning was ichi-ban: clear and blue, brassy morning light, high cirrus clouds, mountains right next door, Whidbey Island green and furry. First 3m hilly, second 3m flat, then back over the rollers to our cars. Was concerned about the leg and took it fairly easy on the way out, then got a twinge at about mile 7 and slowed to a jog. Did 9.5 mi in about 80-85 min. By the time I got home ITB was duly sore (mostly about mid-thigh) and the knee felt pretty grotty, but rolled a frozen water bottle over it for about 20 minutes and now it's more or less OK. So maybe this thang has been nipped in the bud.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Rest day.  bunch of ibuprofen, hoping to get rid of the inflammation. Felt pretty good, the leisurely Sunday pace seems to have been leisurely enough. Worked till 5:30 then painted house with Liz till dusk. Good beer. Good times.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Ten minute pace. At that rate not enough time in the mornings, so I'll try to work in a PM run too. Little twinge at 3.5 miles so I stopped there instead of 4.

10 strides per respiration--felt like I was barely moving...

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Downtown Bainbridge loop. Very moderate pace. Some ITB stickiness at the end otherwise OK. Wore the new Nimbi--those shoes feel made for my feet, what a pleasure.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Quite a pretty morning. Got up early and out to Battle Point Park. Very chill, 9s. ITB let me know it was still around at mi 6; stopped and stretched it for a few minutes, after that nothing special.


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Nice morning run, Manitou beach to Sportsman's Club Road. Felt pretty good: 9s, free and easy. Some foot tightness at about mile 2, stopped and stretched -- basically went away.

I'm going to try avoiding back to backs--two long runs, two short ones a week until this nagging inflammation is in the rearview mirror. If "long" is 11-15 and "short" is 6-9 that seems like a pretty good level of mileage for now anyway.


(Waverider 81)

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Greenlake. Should have gone a bit easier, maybe. Some ITB/foot soreness well afterwards, but iced and feels better now. Long run planned for yest nixed after I turned an ankle in the garden Friday and tweaked calcaneofibular ligament again. Still pretty sore at the junction with the heel.  Frustrating.



Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

DG's house for dinner, then ran to the library at a nice easy pace. Checked out my new place by Greenlake. Pretty cool. Going to be nice to run on the flats for a while.



Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

University library to Greenlake, once around, and back.  Nice evening.


Nimbus 32.45

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Full Arrow Point loop (complete with dirt roads and dogs). Pace averaged 8:45, wasn't regulating it much, basically ran at whatever felt "slow" for the incline. 2500' total ascent, so that was quite a bit at times. Knee a bit grotty at 6 mi, stretched for a minute or so then it was fine until right before home.

Waverider 93

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

7 miles easy to Mom's place to water the plants and fill Theo's sandbox. Felt pretty good, a little bit of ITB drag on the knee but easy mnotion and little or no pain. Maybe the O-3 fish oil capsules aren't quackery after all!

Nimbus 39.45


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Easy run at Greenlake with DG and Michael. One circuit, then ran DG home and back again to where I'd parked the bike. About 20 miles on the bicycle, but rear tire developed a slow leak so took it very easy.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Blakely Loop. 8:45 pace felt very easy. Few foot/knee complaints, a twinge here and there but no weakness. Could have gone a few more miles, but decided not to push it since I was at 33 for the week and the last month has been very low miles. Ran with a water bottle for the first time and liked it; had to stop once at an old lady's house to refill (hot day for the Pacific Northwest).

Nimbus 54

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Overcast morning, got in a run. Somewhat achey, unless I held it above 8:45 or so. Above that more problematic.


Waverider 97

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David on Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 11:25:17

Aaron --

You up for a run Saturday morning? Anytime works for me.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Battle Point Park loop + Manzanita Loop. Was planning to go 12, but ITB tightened up at mile 10, walked about a mile and stretched it, then tried again for another mile. No dice. Hill and crowned roads kicked my butt (kind of literally). So I ended up sort of power walking home 2 miles, 14 in all.

I'll be a bit glad to get off the island from the running standpoint. Some nice blisters right now.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

I have been very achey the last two days. Was planning to go out yesterday afternoon, but leg kind of hurt and work went long etc. This morning still felt crappy but after two miles the fog sort of lifted (not outside--a perfect overcast Puget Sound day). Ended up with a very satisfying if short run.

The only fly in the ointment was the SUV that pulled up on my tail right before I rolled into home. I hate when they just sit there, refusing to pass, often honking at you gratuitously, as if you can't hear their 300 liter fuel injected engine from a mile away. Sometimes they yell things. It's always SUVs. I shouldn't let it harsh my buzz, but this one got under my skin.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Very satisfying Saturday morning run. Out with David to the trail system on Stottlemeyer, did about 45 minutes there, quite decent clip. Then at his suggestion we chugged up to the Pt Gamble turnoff and back - 70 min in all. Slight BR emergency about 100 yards before the cars, luckily D came armed with TP. Bushes are good.

Still having problems with tightness in the skinny muscles between the tibialis anterior and the calf proper; once again after about 15 min/2-2.5 miles; and as soon as I stretch it for three minutes it's OK for the duration. But very uncomfortable if I don't. Kind of annoying. Wonder if there's something I can do to get it looser more of the time.

30.2 for the week, second week above 30 and this time it feels like a pretty good pattern (two long two short), allowing me to sustain this level without too much wear and tear until everything is back to normal.


Nimbus 86

Postscript: I usually don't nap after runs, but did this time and I feel great!

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Paul Petersen on Sun, Aug 05, 2007 at 15:09:37

Naps are good. I had a killer 2.5 hour nap after my run yesterday!

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

No muscular soreness after our fast 5k to end yesterday's run, and very little discomfort in the foot and leg--no different from what I'd feel after an off day. Good news.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Easy run in the PM.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Bike camping with DG. Seattle to San Juan Island via Whidbey, Deception Pass, and Anacortes, 88 mi. Funny little tableau on the Deception Pass bridge: we decided to get off the roadway and had a hell of a time getting past all the fat people on the very narrow pedestrian section. Weather totally loverly. Found a little out of the way glade to squat in - lodgings thus free.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

40 miles or so all around San Juan Island. Much fun. Stunning morning with marine mammals at Lime Kiln Point lighthouse; amusing tour of English Camp, where we got to hoist the only British flag at a U.S. national park and eat medicinal plants in the formal garden; lunch of salami and pepper jack at the fancy shmancy marina. The highlight though was gin and tonics with a troupe of Shakepearean players by their farmhouse stage as night fell and skeeters buzzed, talking Richard III and the Merchant of Venice. Slept well.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Return trip, 90 miles or so back home. Last hill by Edmonds was kind of tough.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

It's been two weeks since my last confession. Moving, work and vacation took their toll. Got out for a quick 3 miles just to find my legs again. Going to try and get back up to 22 or 23 this week, then resume at 28-30.

Didn't hydrate well beforehand, and PM protein was mostly cheese. First two miles were good, then got a horrible stitch. When the HR is 170 on a totally flat 9:15 mile you know you're in a world of hurt. Ran through it, but only just.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Very pleasant morning run. Nice light, unstrained 8:00 pace, good stretching afterward. More like this.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 at 11:23:10


I'll be in Seattle tomorrow morning, I could meet you over by Green Lake or on the Burke-Gilman trail in the early a.m. if you want. Drop me an email today (Friday) if you get a chance, I won't be checking the blog again.


Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Easy four in the morning. 8ish pace. Very free and easy. I'm loving this flat Greenlake action.  Ten tomorrow would make for a not-totally embrassing week.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Moderate warmup down Ravenna then met David on Burke Gilman for a brisk 8 miles. Nice overcast day; felt like I was laboring just a little at first, then settled down. On the way back we got a bug in the ear (I think it was David's story of the old lady at the Motel 6) and surged uphill to about 6:15 for a half mile or so. Was already at 25 for the week when I dropped him off, and my mileage has been low, so had a coffee at Tully's then jogged very slowly home. Average worked out to about 7:30. Satisfying run.

Postscript: felt just fine all day, normal slight soreness gone by afternoon. But I was bending over to pick up my shoes around 5:00 and tweaked my lower back, just above the top edge of the right pelvis, about 2 inches away from the spine. For the last few days I've been feeling a sort of ache or tug in precisely that area when I start running, which soon goes away, not to return. I guess it just returned. I'm guessing iliopsoas, but would be curious to hear from anyone with a similar complaint, and maybe a good stretch. Meanwhile, 400 mg of Vitamin I is helping.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Greenlake. Tight calves. Objective today was to keep HR below 150, which made for 8:30-8:45 miles. Hip/back still a bit sore: weird, since it's not really by a joint. But I guess you can sprain/strain anything with connective tissue. Didn't affect my stride in any obvious way.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM: Greenlake. Woke at 4:00 and never got to sleep again, so did another sub-150 HR special, keeping it mostly under 140 until the very end.

PM: 3.5 at 8:00/mi. A little faster than I'd intended for this experimental two-a-day. Totally unforced, body just seemed to want to go there. The mileage isn't unprecedented or anything. We'll see how it feels in the morning.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Dave Holt on Fri, Aug 31, 2007 at 09:53:51

That's a great sign - when the body just feels like doing it.

From Aaron on Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 18:57:42

Thanks, Coach! The trick I guess is learning how to listen.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Greenlake in the AM. Right hamstring a bit sore, otherwise OK. Took a couple miles to warm up, then hit superluminary speed beating the light across Aurora. Fittingly enough.

PM: a distinctly subluminary 4. Many young persons underfoot in the dark; did my best not to trample them, and the rabbits neither. But it was hard to see, so I can't be sure.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

super slo-mo after work around the lake. Did mix in 6x100m strides at 6ish pace. After the final go my slo-mo was barely mo, though -- whoa! -- so I go home.

postscript: 6ish pace, hah! Garmin claims I topped out at 16mph on the second set. Now if only I could sustain that for a mile....

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Yes, boys and girls, today's word is S   L   O   W.  Mr. Shin was very displeased with our attempt yesterday to make like Jeremy Wariner. Kept looking around for a pace that felt alright, started at 8:30, descended into the 9s, finally settled on 10:15.

My highest mileage 7 days thus far, at 41, though a fairly modest 28 for the "week." Tomorrow is off, and we'll start off right on Sunday with 14.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David on Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 15:29:00

Hey, turns out I won't be over early enough Sunday morning for a run. Have fun with that 14, take care of your leg.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Ravenna - Burke Gilman - Fremont - Woodland Park - Greenlake loop. Nice endorphin rushes at miles 4 and 10. Power nap afterwards.

After looking at the splits, I think this was pretty close to an optimal long run given current level of fitness. A mile of warmup at 9:30, three more miles at 8:55 to get hot, settled in at 8:25 to 8:30 on the flats for two miles, then four miles at around 9:00 on the 400ft vertical ascent of Fremont hill, then a solid 8:15 for three miles around Greenlake and a cooldown mile at 9:36. So the flat effort was around 8:20 to 8:30, with negative splits for the run as a whole. While I won't say I never looked at the GPS, was also paying pretty close attention to biofeedback sorts of things and mostly running at a pace that felt good. The Watch still makes me self conscious and sometimes induces to push the pace too much, but on this run at least I'm glad I brought it along.

The average was about a minute off my usual pace from long runs in April, when I was not really warming up or cooling down and hitting 7:30-7:45 most of the way. And lo and behold-- when the mileage got over 25 a week my body broke down. So while I'm just now getting back to the length of those long runs before the Whidbey half last spring, I think I'm in significantly better shape and going at it quite a bit more intelligently. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.

Still, it will be good to move on to the next stage.


Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Nothing special. No soreness to speak of, but legs were pretty dead. After I stretched the ITB at mile 3.5 gained a surprising amount of oomph, so maybe it was just tightness.

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM: very relaxed 4.5 miles with DG. HR avg 132. A few aches and pains (left shin still kind of sore), but felt stronger than yesterday.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM: with DG for 4, HR about 125. Meant to go another 4 last night but had some intestinal problems that were still giving me grief by about mile 3. Ran through it, which was the right choice. We'll see how it goes this evening.

It's nice to get up early and have a yak with a friend. Hopefully 20 miles a week doesn't break him down!

PM: Two faster miles (7:20, 7:05), two easy (8:30ish). Foot fine, ITB fine, stomach fine, some slight shin soreness but transient.  Got up to 15mph beating the Aurora light! 

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM: 4 with DG. A little shin soreness, above the ankle. It's fun tp be up at 5:30. Got a bit frisky racing the street cleaner.

PM: 2 fasterish (8:10, 7:40) 2 slowerish. Way too many lapdogs underfoot. Do I punt the dog or the owner, that is the question. 

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

5:30 run with DG. New weekly mileage record puts an end to the week. Rest day tomorrow, 5k in Tacoma on Sunday, shooting for sub-21.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Family emergency, missed the race in Tacoma. Got home tonight just in time to get four in, went as fast I could get revved up on an empty stomach: 3 miles were probably 7:15ish.

Going to try 5 days of 8s this week and see how things feel. 

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

5:30 run with DG. Home from work very late, planned PM did not come off.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM: 530 jog with DG. Extra pokey today, which was probably good as I slept poorly and had trouble loosening up.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM: 530 w/ DG.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM: 530 with DG. I keep on putting AM down here in hopes that a PM will arise, but no such luck thus far. Today's the day.

We did a couple of 745 miles yesterday and there were complaints ex post facto so in the interests of preserving my running partner today was s l o w. 

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. medium-slow.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Another Sunday mishap. Three hours in the ER waiting room, bandage on forehead and planned 16 miler did not come off. This is frustrating.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David on Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 23:35:00

What happened???

If you're alive, you want to run this Sunday morning?

From Aaron on Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 10:02:19

well, let's just say for the moment that I'm going for the Harry Potter look.

Sunday AM looks OK. Same place off the trail? I'm thinking Ballard Locks past Gasworks.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 AM with DG, and tacked on another 3 up to 105th and back. Now that the Vicodin has worn off it feels good to be back on the road again. 

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 AM with DG then out to 105th and back.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

 Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Underslept, but frisky.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Slept a bit better. LEft ankle sore for some reason. Good stretching today before and after.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

4 mi with DG moderate pace, then picked it up a bit. Legs felt good considering training has been spotty. Last 3.3 was sevenish, sandwiching an 800 at 6:00 pace.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Out for a little 1-hour-and-52-minute tour across the locks to Magnolia, and the Minnow was nearly lost. A light but steady drizzle; started bonking right after I headed back up Market Street, with about 3 miles till home. Left foot hurting a bit too. That last 20 minutes definitely on the grim and determined side. But I'm here to tell the tale.

Caught David for about 3 miles from 25th and Trail to Gasworks, where we shot the shoot and climbed the hill. Still feeling very good for that part. Fortunately for Seattle, it's quite beautiful on a warmish rainy Sunday morning. I am content when awakened birds test the reality of misty fields by their sweet questionings. 

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. Begged off yesterday as foot was quite stiff, but after a warmup mile this morning it started feeling pretty good and now is AOK. Having been through it once before maybe I have a better idea of how to manage.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 w/ DG. Slept abominably: up at 3 and couldn't do nothin so I ended up working for an hour or two before the run. We went slow and talked politics, so that was fine. Fortunately I had nothing all morning so I called in, took a pill and got up at 10. I'll be glad when this is all over.  

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

1 x lake in the PM. Felt very strong, had to hold myself back. Foot felt fine, good stretching afterwards.

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. Yest and today was like, you know, night and day. Very stiff, ran like a granny. Then figured if I was going to be sore anyway might as well tack on three more miles. Don't know if that was the right thing to do or not, but there you have it.

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Misty morning hop on the island out to Fay Bainbridge and back. Worked kinda late and somehow was up at seven, so bleaaary eyed, but legs felt nice and toasty. Kept the pace slow and easy the whole way; nothing from the left foot until about 0:55 in (about the same as last week, but much less intense). It got noticeable at about 1:30, was eventually subsumed under general muscle fatigue and not a particular problem by the last mile.

Pretty satisfied with the run. Total time of 2:29. Nimbus Orange.


Kudos to all St Georgians. Slay dragon!

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 w/ DG + Fremont. We must have been slow, hit the street cleaner much earlier in the route. Waverider.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 105th. The street cleaner is definitely coming out earlier. Foot took a while to warm up, then I didn't feel it again until the 55:00 mark. Amazingly consistent: you could tell time by it...



Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Very interesting run today. Been sleeping very little. Last night I was determined to get at least seven hours, which left relatively little time for a run before work. So I decided to go 4 miles, with two or three of it at something around my average marathon pace. Left foot was still stiff at the beginning. Did half a mile of 8:30ish, then to 7:10 for about 2400m. The foot has been acting up when I overdo, so I dialed down to 7:20, just under BQ pace. Could have kept that up for quite some time (one hopes, 26.2).

By this time I was feeling really good, and quite bummed in fact that I'd have to break it off and head to the office. Two meetings and three hours later, it still feels great. This is in stark contrast to previous occasions in recent days on which I've tried to stretch out a bit; although it always warms up after a mile or so the inflammation has been annoying, and anything over 8:00 was rather painful once I cooled down

Hard to disaggregate the variables, and granted I didn't run as far today. But I wonder if the inflammation in my foot may be partly a function of sleep deprivation. Waverider.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Interurban Trail to 145th. First four miles slow and then picked it up a mite, though the body wasn't moving that fast today--high sevens, I'd guess. Not feeling bad, just not-fast. This week is a high-water mark mileage wise anyway.

God stretching afterwards. Waverider.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Perfect running weather, thick layer of mist with sun behind it. Foghorns blowing up and down the Sound. Out to Fay Bainbridge +.  Objective was (a) to keep most of the miles under 8:30, and (b) not to ride the horse so hard he's out of commission for the rest of the week. The first went great: through 7 I had it well under 8 (until I decided to actually run down *into* Fay B. Park, whose access road is, I remembered belatedly, a 20% grade, kinda breeaking my rhythm) and I'd say 9 or 10 of the miles were also in the sevens. About (b), we'll have to see. Made the mistake of wearing big puffy socks instead of my usual hi-tech ones, and got a pretty impressive blister on the left instep. But other than that no obvious damage. Did get a bit bonkalicious at about mile 16, had to fight through that. Maybe it's time to start bringing some kind of sugary substance along, or maybe just a bottle of gatorade.

2:29 (8:17 average). Nimbus Orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 w/ DG plus 4. Felt strong, ran easy. Could have run yesterday, but decided to keep the recovery day after long and medium runs until the marathon, while adding a mile or two to the daily total. No soreness yesterday, in any case, which bodes well. Ready for a good week.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 120th. Moron bicyclist decided to yell profanity at 6:00 in the morning instead of calling her side, inspiring 1 x 200m strides on my part. I think she'd intended a hit and run, but I was keeping up with her pretty good there for a moment!

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

There was a lecture that everybody at work went to, so I came home a bit early to get a run in. Thursdays I'm on my own, and I wanted to see how my pace was looking. So after a mile and a half of warmup I started around Greenlake at a 7:20 pace, just sub-BQ. Took a mile or so to get the lead out, but after that I felt totally comfortable, it was great. Definitely capable of sustaining that for quite a while--whether for 26.2, that is the question. But with a couple of surges thrown in here and there, I'm feeling pretty good right now. An added bonus: the weather was totally inimical, with a ferocious wind that blew across the surface of the lake sending breakers all the way to the other side of the jogging path. (For those that don't know Seattle, Greenlake is basically an oversized duck pond.) Anyway, I averaged about 7:15 for those MP miles, and maybe I can knock five or six seconds of that for sheer meteorological cussedness.

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 125th. Started in a pouring rain, which let up halfway through. Air temperature fairly comfortable, and it wasn't as bad as I expected. Otherwise, just took it chill, easy relaxed pace. Met distance target for the week, feeling pretty strong.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Well, that reeked. Objectives today were (1) 20 miles; (2) sub-8; and (3) negative split. Would have been happy with 2 out of 3. Hit none of them. Hit the turn-around in 1:17, feeling pretty good, but by mile 12 I could tell I was starting to break down mentally when I began to feel massive resentment at the big hills that separated me from home. Splits began to creep up into the 8s, and when I got to the top of the hill above Fay Bainbridge (13.66mi) got it into my head that I had a terrible blister which would make it impossible to run next week if I went any further on it. Stopped dead in my tracks. Took about a mile of walking before I pulled it together, and then I couldn't get above 10:00 pace. So I jogged home at that rate. Longest, most arduous 5 miles ever. Blech.

2:41 2500ft climb. Waverider.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Dallen on Sun, Oct 21, 2007 at 20:19:25

This sort of thing occasionally happens on long runs. Take it as a learning experience.

From Aaron on Sun, Oct 21, 2007 at 22:36:49

I learned I am a moron, since after bonking at mi 16 last week I vowed I would bring some gatorade along, which I failed to do. Nothing like a blood sugar crash to scramble your egg.

From MichelleL on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 09:47:52

I have read that your long runs should be about one minute a mile slower than marathon pace so perhaps a sub 8 goal is working yourself too hard on a long run? Better to learn these lessons on a long run than in the marathon. What marathon are you targeting or your BQ?

You definitely need fuel on your long runs. Do you use gu or shot bloks? I like both, but shot bloks a little more.

I have read your blogs a couple of times, it's very entertaining stuff!

From MichelleL on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 09:48:54

Sorry my previous post was a little "stream of conciousness". I should edit my posts a little more.

From Bonnie on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 13:44:29

Hi Aaron,

I also enjoy your blog! I agree with Michelle on finding your optimal pace for these long runs. Greg McMillan has a pace calculator that I use to pace my all of my runs( You don't put in your "goal pace" but rather your last race (since you are training for a marathon I would use your Whidbey result) ... sometimes the long run pace seems slower than you would like - but if you follow those paces you can add the type of workouts that are likely to help with your overall speed (tempo runs, etc.) while still keeping your mileage high.

Disappointing runs are a part of training - in my opinion. Look ahead!!

Good luck!


From Aaron on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 16:12:46

God help me, I am running the Seattle Marathon on the weekend after Thanksgiving. Please send antifreeze and towelettes. Still hope to BQ, though it will depend on race-day conditions as much as the next couple weeks of training. As for shotblocks--I had one of those during a bicycle road race (they put it in our packet), and wasn't too crazy about the experience. Maybe I'll try the gel. Too bad you can't eat a banana smeared with peanut butter while running, that's always been my favorite.

Bonnie- I'm pretty sure my natural MP is around 7:15 at this point, though it's hard to tell for sure until stretching it out over a long haul. Yesterday I was at 7:45 and quite relaxed until crashing. Would still like to give it one more shot, but will probably take it easier next weekend in the interests of logging a full 21-22.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 125th. Legs felt quite deceased on the off day following last weekend's debacle. Woke up this morning at 4 instead of 515, which didn't help. So I was ready for grimness, and indeed, my head kept saying 'ugh.' "And yet," saith Randall Jarrell, "I find that I've grown used to you..." The head wasn't in it, but the legs took over, they just kept going, and despite myself I had a pretty good run. It was a weird feeling to have the muscles working efficiently when my neural apparatus was (and seems likely to go on being) substandard. But I'll take it.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. Feet quite sore to start out, which is not unprecedented; but although it usually clears up within a mile or so it took much longer today, plus felt some signs of incipient RSI, mostly in the shins. So after a glacial circuit around greenlake (referring to the pace, not the temp, which was balmy) I cut today's run short and decided to make this a lower mileage week. Guess you're supposed to do a few of those. Now ruing those lost three weeks in September. C'est la vie.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 125th. Crystal clear morning: moon and stars and frogs of the deep. Yesterday was a bear. Got up at 6:30 to give two lectures back-to-back in Tacoma, after taking my mother to the ER for a CAT scan the night before. Didn't get home until 8:30 and promptly fell asleep, which was probably a good thing. This all may or may not qualify as a good excuse for missing a run.

Anyway, the layoff seemed to do me good. The fatigue I felt in my shins was gone, my feet were in pretty decent shape, and I felt strong. 

Nimbus Orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

a perfect -- tasty -- PSYCHEDELIC -- PM run. I love autumn and Seattle usually has a pretty blah one, but today was sunny and chilly and fine, and the afternoon bit like a perfect Honey Crisp apple. Had some tightness in the right Achilles to start out, stretched at the light and took it easy on the first mi, then settled into a nice loping stride, not straining but moving along at a pretty good clip, sevens or maybe just a skoche faster. Kept it up without undue effort until the theater, at which point, a shoelace infarction. I really like the Nimbus 8s, but for some reason the laces don't stay tied. A double knot later I was more or less home.

Had a look at last Sunday's run on the Garmin: turns out there was 4000ft climb between miles 1 and 14, which probably contributed to my crash. Next week back up above 50, but I may distribute the miles more evenly and add a day depending on how much work I can get done tonight. And we're going on the flats -- Alaskan all the way, baby.

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Worked till 9:30 PM then got an hour's run in. Was frustrated not to find more time, and wanted to maximize what miles I could squeeze out of the day, so ran a bit too fast. During warmup the achilles was sticky, and as the run progressed sensitivity seemed to migrate up into shinsplint territory, at which point I backed off. Rest day tomorrow, then we'll see if four ten mile days this week is feasible, plus four on Saturday. But all of it supra-8:00.

I have been meditating a bit on Sasha's physiological model of "neural drive" (as opposed to weak-mindedness) and the various factors that can inhibit it. I find it very applicable right now to the process of writing my dissertation. True or not, it's something of a comfort to imagine, when I'm stuck or blocked--as this weekend--that something "objective" is in the way rather than a characterological defect.

8.00: 8:17, 7:30, 6:56, 7:19, 7:27, 7:50, 8:25, 8:05 (avg. 7:44).

Nimbus orange.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From MichelleL on Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 08:04:54

Dissertation, eh? What are you in PhD school for? Are you a full-time student?

From Aaron on Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 22:26:37

Well, full time is kind of a relative concept. I'm trying to complete the draft by about February and am working fewer hours through then.

The dissertation's in history, about the drug trade in the Mediterranean.

From Aaron on Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 22:28:46

Incidentally, thanks for asking. There is no greater act of kindness and mercy than to express interest in a doctoral dissertation.

Not to open a can of worms, but what is crazy about your life commitments crazy????

From MichelleL on Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 22:16:50

We are always interested in things which are close to the heart. My husband was in PhD school from 1999-2002. I was integrally part of his dissertation. We would discuss it during each run, I would even try to understand the statistical analysis. I helped with drafts and other drafts and new drafts, etc. I really felt part of the process. Back then he had just that one stream of research and I understood--to some extent--the underlying theory and kept up with it. I considered going on for my PhD when I was in masters school (something a 740 gmat tends to do), but I don't have the discipline. Paul now has a half dozen research streams and researches like a mad man and I can't keep up with the names of his papers (which are more like sentences anyway), let alone the research in them.

So short story made long, I am a wife of a professor. It is a wonderful life.

Sounds like you may not be a professor when you are done, though, from your experience and your area of expertise.

My life is stressful because I run part-time, I work part time most of the year, and the three months I work 40-60 hours a week creates a backlog of projects. For example, this morning I mixed an 80-lb bag of cement and patched an area in our basement, ran 9 miles, and did grocery shopping all before waking up my three rowdy boys. Did I mention I am a member of a demanding faith - Mormonism, which has no short list of expectations for a woman :)

I love mangos but use a knife--not secret nor creative.

From Aaron on Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 12:27:18

Well you have a pretty good sense then of what a basket case I am at this juncture! Your schedule sounds harrowing, that's a lot of balls to keep flying in the air. I'm impressed that you can sustain the running schedule without rolling over on them.

From MichelleL on Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 12:58:31

I think we can both appreciate how running can clear our minds and get us ready for our next battle.

Good luck with it all!

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Rest day, but the truth is I could have run. Everything feels great.  A new level of durability, maybe, which would sure be nice.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + 145th via Bitter Lake to Interurban Trail. Moderate pace, forgot to charge The Watch, which was fine. Only fly in the ointment: by the time I got back to 80th there was already an unending stream of traffic. May either have to run faster or figure out a better route as I add daily miles. Felt very strong after only 12 miles on the weekend, hopefully it will serve as a good recharge. Right ankle soreness nowhere to be found.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Interurban trail to 145th. Nothing special to report. Felt pretty good, took it mostly around 8:05 which I guess is sort of my Tinman tempo at this point. Joke.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Worked late, hot date, had to squeeze a run in between them. Felt the need for speed, and was able to run relaxed throughout. Working somewhat hard on the faster mile to keep it up, mostly mental effort. The legs felt fine.

4: 7:38, 6:47, 7:22, 7:27 (7:17). Waverider.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Scott Zincone on Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 08:04:21

Good run, hope the date was even better.

From Michael on Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 15:17:19

or Hope you still had energy for the hot date...

Im from Washington - born Tacoma, grew up in southwestern part, went to WSU - I sure like it up there when I get to return and visit - alot of nice runs up there with the Forest, the green, the ocean

From Aaron on Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 16:17:53

Some things you always have energy for. I've got friends at the U of Puget Sound, so I'm in Tacoma a fair amount. The running here is sweet, though a bit hilly with all the glacial action. You and your little boy are quite a team.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Interurban Trail to Aurora bicycle bridge. Beautiful clear morning, stars and moon, winy air, but co-o-o-ld. No frogs.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From MichelleL on Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 09:40:10

So, I suppose I could google it, but why don't you just enlighten us on what the name of your blog means.

From Aaron on Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 12:46:04

Herodicus of Selymbria was a classical Greek medical practitioner who became famous for recommending exercise as a way of maintaining good health. The gymnasium-building craze seems to have been inspired by him. "Chaire Herodikos Selymbriaios" means 'Hail Herodicus of Selymbria!'

Interestingly, if you googled that motto all you'd turn up is my blog! (Unless you did it in Greek, I suppose)

From Bonnie on Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 19:10:12

pretty geeky Aaron, I like it a lot! I know the greek alphabet pretty well (a joke as I am a statistician ;-) ) - but took Latin as my foreign language requirement - can't remember much really! I since have filled that part of my brain with other (useless?) information.

I understand the dissertation pit ... I am glad you have running to keep you in touch with the outside world!


From David on Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 12:19:09

Hey, good mileage this week. You sound like you're running strong these days. I'll try to get over one of these weekends for a Saturday or Sunday run.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Last long run before the marathon, wanted to make it count. I can feel that I'm a bit behind where I want to be, not sure whether the BQ is realistic at this point, especially given the course and likely conditions, but will give it my best shot.

Ran Bainbridge again, as my mother returned from France with an apparent neurological problem and needed some attention. Conditions were pretty good, overcast with occasional sunbreaks, about 55F. Made sure this time to stash a few bottles of Gatorade at strategic locations, and that indeed seemed to do the trick. Felt pretty strong, a bit of foot pain after mile 15 or so. On the other hand, was able to run mile 20 in 7:19. The key question is whether that is a sustainable pace. A little uncertain on that front, though of course this route was quite a bit more challenging than the marathon will be, with around 5000ft total elevation gain. I guess we'll see.

Nice runner's high at mi 16. Waverider.


 1  8:33
 2  8:21
 3  7:44
 4  8:22
 5  8:17
 6  7:35
 7  7:37
 8  8:02
 9  7:48
 10  7:56
 11  8:15
 12  8:12
 13  8:08
 14  8:30
 15  8:14
 16  8:31
 17  8:02
 18  8:25
 19  7:52
 20  7:19
 21  8:41
 22  8:23

To turnaround: 1:28:30 (8:03)

Return: 1:30:13 (8:12)

Total: 2:58:43 (8:07)

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David on Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 18:04:34

I missed something: What marathon are you running?

From Bonnie on Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 19:00:44

Nice run Aaron! it sounds like you are starting to hit a rhythm!


From Benn Griffin on Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 20:45:04

Sweet run Aaron!! Wow! You were booking! Keep up the great work. Let us know how the marathon goes! When is it?

From josse on Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 23:58:10

When are where's the marathon? I hope you have at least 2 weeks to taper. I would go out at an 8-8:15 min pace and let yourself get comfortable take your pace down when you start to get in a grove. Then around 15 miles see where you are at and how you feel to dermine if this is your race to qualify, if not just focus on the glory of finishing your first marathon (this is your first right). Remember to have fun, I always run my best races when I am having fun.

A marathon is a long way and you can lose a lot more time in the end if you don't save a couple of minutes in the begining.

From Aaron on Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 01:28:55

Many thanks to all for the kind and helpful comments. MArathon is Seattle on 11/25. Plan is to train hard the rest of this week (with a bit more intensity than distance) and then start a two week taper.

Josse, I have been ruminating over my race plan, so your comments are particularly appreciated. The course this year has a brief but fairly intense hill between mi 2 and 3 (where you get on the I-90 bridge) and then an infamous meat grinder between 21.7 and 23 (that happens to go past my old elementary school), with a nice easy downhill in between. Basically, I figure I'll have to make my race in that in-between zone: by mi 23 I'll be spent and lucky to keep it around 8:00 back to the Space Needle.

So I was thinking about going out around 7:45, taking it fairly easy on that first hill, and then zapping into the full-on MP mode just after. Does that make sense to you? Totally agree about having fun! But I do like to push myself and it would be pretty sweet to qualify on the first go-round, though sub-par September training may doom me to an early spring marathon for a second try.

From Aaron on Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 01:30:51

Course elevation chart:

From David on Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 11:25:24

Awesome. You never mentioned that you decided to do that race, though I suppose it's been a few weeks since we've met up. I'll be over in Seattle that morning to cheer you on, and I'll join you for a taper run this weekend or next if you'd like.

From MichelleL on Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 19:31:05

What time do you have to have to qualify?

From Aaron on Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 21:36:41

I'm 36 so it's 3:15:59.

From josse on Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 09:20:17

Is that picture old because I though you were in you early 20's.

From Aaron on Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 10:04:25

Ha! Nice of you to say so, but no that's from last May. I feel all of 36 in my achilles at the moment, I'll tell you that much.

From MichelleL on Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 10:15:33

I think you can hit your BQ time, but you will need to work for it. I agree that you should take it easy those first couple of miles and kick it into a higher gear once you get to the downhill around the three mile marker.

From Aaron on Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 14:09:04

If it comes off I'm going to be one happy (and tired) camper. The Plan: miles 1-4 average 7:45, middle 17 average 7:10, and if I'm still on track by then I can get away with 8:30 on the hill and then 8:00 to the finish. I've run 7:24 in a half with very little training and 7:07 in a 12k only a bit more recently, and have since had several months of good effort. But I've certainly never tried to run 7:10 for 17 miles. So we'll just have to see how much of a boost I can get from a few weeks of good nutrition, sleep and race-day adrenaline. If the miss is by 10 minutes I won't be heartbroken, but a bummer-qualification would be, well, you know.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Rest day. Legs feel good. Biked 15 mi at a very leisurely pace, since I can't get the front derailleur on my commuter bike to shift to the top chain ring.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 115th. Took it easy for the most part but mixed in 8 x 100m strides. Air temperature rather pleasant, had the tights and gloves on just for fun. Legs a bit dead to start out (maybe in part because of the tights?), but when I picked it up a bit after 4 mi mark they seemed fine.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David on Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 11:41:55

I'm up for that route this weekend if you'd like. Saturday or Sunday? Sunday a.m. probably works better for me, if we go Saturday I'd like to bump it back a bit, maybe mid-morning.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM: 530 with DG + nothing flat. Ate a very skimpy dinner, and woke up at 3:30 with a blood sugar crash. Had an apple, then keeled over again until right before he knocked. Needless to say conditions were not ripe for a very impressive effort, and I was in fact struggling to hit 10:00 miles until finally my shoelace came untied and I had to catch up with him, at which point I broke through into another gear, to garble my metaphors. Well, the 9:00 mile gear at least. An interesting illustration of Pachevian neural drive. Clearly what was keeping me at sub-glacial speeds was not in the first instance inadequate fuel for the muscles, but inadequate fuel to the brain. I'll try to run another 4 this evening. Nimbus orange.

 PM: 4 faster miles (7:39, 7:09, 6:57, 7:25) plus .34 mi cooldown in 31:49. Free and easy.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From MichelleL on Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 23:05:53

Nice miles (the fast ones that is). So they felt easy? That foretells good things.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM - one lap of Greenlake: draggy, grumpy, hurty. I did pick it up at the end to beat the... 9:00 guy.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. Legs felt fine but I was home at 130 last night so that will be that.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

A couple of laps around Greenlake followed by omelette with Joanne. One lap with David at a 7:30ish clip.  Mileage record for the week, but it was all front-ended, so I'm feeling pretty spry.

Postscript: Great nap.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Paul Petersen on Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 16:11:54

Congrats on the nap.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Feeling very fatigued, so flipped my usual rest day.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

4 mi with DG at whatever pace, then 3 at about 7:30. Filthy rain and swirling wind. It was OK after I was warmed up. Still, got home soaked.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 105th. Lovely morning. Legs felt vewy vewy good. (Maybe it was the IP I took before going to bed.) Only other news to report: quite a bit of gas, successfully passed. This is a skill.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 105th. Chilly. Was feeling pretty lackadaisical after a nice seven hours of sleep but after some internal kibbitzing slipped nicely into gear on mi 5 and the last one felt pretty good.  Slight emergency re-entering nice warm house. Must remember to evacuate previous evening's burrito in advance.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From steve ashbaker on Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 12:50:06

Thanks for the fyi on the name Aaron. I have seen your blog from time to time. You seem like a runner with some guts.

From MichelleL on Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 18:39:22

You always make me laugh!

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Bear of a day. At work until very late and never got my run in. I felt it going to bed: very jumpy, hard to put myself down. Bum feeling.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 105th. Had to restrain myself from adding another 7 to make up for yesterday; or rather, I thought about it for a nanosecond or two and oh-so-virtuously rejected the idea. Poor sleep. Thought I was going to have to settle for about 7:30s on the return trip but once again somehow snapped into gear and ended up doing 6:20 on my last mi. Felt good to sustain a sub-6 pace for a bit, let's pretend that feels almost doable.  I think I'll do seven tomorrow and Sunday.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Splurged on some dry-fit shorts and shirt. Going for the Johnny Cash look. On the test drive, they seemed to be fairly nimble: 10k at MP+ in 42:31 (1-7:00, 2-6:48, 3-6:58, 4-6:55, 5-6:48, 6-6:43, .2-1:19). This was not at all labored and by the end felt almost like jogging (though when I tried to surge through the 6:30 barrier at about mi 5.5 I could definitely feel the effort).

Postscript: mild case of Logan Fielding Syndrome. Don't know whether it was the new shirt or the slightly faster pace, but looks like I'd better grease up next time out.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David on Sat, Nov 17, 2007 at 16:18:04

Aaron --

I looked at a map, I'll probably wait for you next Sunday around mile 19. You'll need some encouragement there, right? I'll look for the man in black.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Started off the taper week with 5 mi + 6 x 100m strides. I guess I was feeling a bit frisky though, they turned out more like short intervals--topping out at what Garmin claims was 16.1 mph! Probably shouldn't do too many of those before Sunday, but it was fun while it lasted, like running on springs.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Benn on Sun, Nov 18, 2007 at 22:21:22

Hmm there's all these blogs that talk about "Garmin" . Is that code for something? Or is it something from out west that we don't have here in New York?

From Aaron on Sun, Nov 18, 2007 at 22:34:28


It's runner's bling: a GPS watch.

From Dale on Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 14:38:08

Didn't realize Sunday was your very first Marathon....that's great man! I'll be there when you make history!

Looks like you're having trouble holding yourself back during taper. Me too. My Sunday run was definitely more than I probably should've done, but it'll make it easier for me to take it easy the next couple of days, I guess. Can't wait for Wednesday to get here so I can let all the work stress drain out of my feet!

Keep up the good taper. I'm sure it'll pay off. Are you planning any hard runs this week at all?

From Aaron on Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 17:23:55

History--or something.

Pleased with how it went yesterday (I was able to sustain a 7:45 pace between sprints, in contrast to the previous time I tried this workout in August, when I was only able to do 4 intervals, slowed down to 10:00 pace, and was basically unable to run at speed for the rest of the week). But I think it's time to start saving up some glycogen. So 5 mile days from here on out, at recovery+ pace.

When are you heading to the expo to get your packet?

From Dale on Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 17:32:27

Dunno, I was thinking sometime Saturday to avoid commuter traffic, but I haven't checked with the boss yet. I'll drop you an email when I figure it out. You?

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

One very relaxed PM lap around Greenlake, 8:00 pace. Everything feels good.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 w DG + Fremont to 90th. Poor sleep, didn't feel great. Some weakness/soreness in the left tensor fascia latae. Took it easy.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From MichelleL on Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 20:33:38

Is your race this weekend or the next? Get more sleep! Take drugs (legal of course) if necessary.

From Aaron on Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 09:23:31

This weekend, and I'm trying, ma'am! For some reason those sleep aids never do it for me. Ambien just makes me feel sluggish.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. Slept better, felt good.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Okay, so I'm officially freaked out. We got a load of Palm Springs going on here, sunny and 60ish, and all I can think as I do my lap around the lake before heading out to the old T-Give is: when will we pay our karmic debt to the weatherman? If it's on Sunday then I am officially bummed.

No strain no pain (actually a bit of a cramp in the same left arch, the one that always goes away by mile 3). Pace was 7:45 or so, which seems to be the new super-easy.  I think that may be more about form than fitness.

I have mixed feelings about this holiday, as anybody who's read Nathaniel Philbrick's Mayflower might well do, but politics aside it's good and right to give thanks. It reminds me that the self is a helpful delusion, that our being and consciousness are intertwined with family; with friends; with social relations; with whatever God or transcendent higher cause we worship; even with fastrunningblog.  Giving thanks is nothing more or less than an acknowledgement and an exaltation of our intimacy with the rest of the universe.

Here's to high quality carbo-loading! 


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Dale on Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 16:04:21

Isn't this weather nuts? Don't feel too bad about it though. It's supposed to return to cloudy and some rain by Saturday, just in time for us!

Happy Carbo-Loading! I'm headed out for the same just now.

From MichelleL on Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 17:59:42

Is Mayflower a good read? Is it historical fiction or nonfiction?

From Michael on Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 20:03:57

Its so nice to hve this weather in Washington for late November for consecutive days - usually when I come at this time Im locked inside. I imagine Ill go back to Utah and have to run in snow

From Aaron on Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 21:33:33


It's popular nonfiction, written in a very accessible style. I think Philbrick won a National Book Award a while back. Recommended.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Rest day. Rode very hard on a cold Thanksgiving afternoon, and the right ITB was complaining; had to take a couple courses of IP to get the inflammation down. Nothing serious, but that made seven days of running without a rest, so it was probably time. Will do a couple miles tomorrow just to keep sharp. Still hoping against hope for dry weather.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From David on Sat, Nov 24, 2007 at 12:16:20

Would be a perfect morning for a marathon today (Sat.), I think it can hold on for another day. You sound ready, I think you'll do great. See you around mile 19.

From Lyman on Sat, Nov 24, 2007 at 18:06:34

Good luck on the race tomorrow. You are about as prepared as anyone I know for their first marathon. I'm looking foward to your race report.

From Aaron on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 19:28:16

Hey David--

Sorry we missed each other. Probably for the best, as I don't even know if you're capable of running as slow as I was going. Let's try and hook up for my recovery run... sometime in mid-2008.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Greenlake. Feeling good.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Race: Seattle Marathon (26.2 Miles) 03:25:46
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

"Does ripe fruit never fall? Or do the boughs

Hang always heavy in that perfect sky..."

Many good things about this race. First, the weather. There were signs yesterday that heaven and earth had moved to accomodate us: contrary to forecast, the clouds parted and brilliant sunshine ensued. All afternoon, it was like a (frozen-over) Miami. Somewhat overcast by evening, but I peeked out this morning at 6:30 and what should I see but a full moon, the biblical levanah. I knew then that we were living large.

The next thing that was good was my ability to stick to race plan. Went out exactly at 7:45 for two miles, holding firm against the impulse to rabbit, then ranged between 7:30 and 7:15 for the up-and-down heading toward the bridge. By the bridge turnaround (mi 6) packs had started to form, and I was in about the fifth or sixth one, going a pretty steady 7:05. I felt great. Totally within myself, spectacular scenery along Lake Washington boulevard. What's not to like? We cruised around Seward Park, hit the halfway point at 1:34:30, and by then big thoughts are flitting through my frontal cortex. Someone said I was in 47th place.

Alas! At mi 18, a very weird signal emerged from the second metatarsal in My Left Foot. Apparent neuropathy. Serious numbness going on, and while still runnable, it began to mess up my mechanics. I was putting out more and more energy with less and less gain, and it was energy that I just didn't have in reserve  My splits crept inexorably upward: 7:40ish on mile 18, 7:50 on mile 19. Then on mile 20 I hit my Waterloo. Things Fell Apart. Dale had caught up with me at this juncture, but I was more or less cocooned in survival mode. By the (vicious, nasty, unforgivable) Galer hill at mi 21, the race crew had stopped telling me "right on, great time!" and was now giving me the old lady cheer: "you're doing great! Hang in there!" I hit the last 10k at 2:41-something, and my BQ had turned into a pumpkin; now the goal was simply not to walk. 

So there you have it: a six mile jog (using the term loosely) that ranked up there with the Minnow's three hour tour for overall time-efficiency. And yet, I can't imagine any track workout that could possibly have taken more out of my musculo-skeletal system than that 9:30-10:00 pace. When I hit the last hill (the race designers very thoughtfully penciled in a 5% grade more or less to the finish line) my legs felt like the floor of the pit at CBGBs after a Sex Pistols show. My calves felt like the crash dummy in a Lamborghini factory. My foot felt like--well, I couldn't feel my foot.

Anyway, I guess I'm going to have to get it checked out; feels better, but still a bit numb/sore. Assume it's there's some kind of pinching action in the foot bones at the end of the sciatica. Moreover, immediately after crossing the finish line I could barely walk, which I assume means that I was running with low glycogen stores.

Injury aside, the soreness does suggest to me that I needed more training to improve efficiency of glycogen storage, and probably a more thoughtful carbo-loading program as well. Possibly I overdid it on the first half, though in any case I don't think I could have made the BQ with anything slower than that 1:34 half, so it's probably a moot point. All in all, I feel pretty good about this, Baby's First Marathon. I had a nice strong start, I persevered through some adverse conditions, and I ended up with a respectable time after two months of serious training. My private aim was somewhere between 3:30 and 3:15, and having made that target I think I can now sleep the nap of the blessed.

I'd insert my splits here, but left the Garmin on auto-stop, and it helpfully put everything on hold whenever I ran through a tunnel, next to a tree, or in the shadow of a porta-potty. The race crew was pretty good about calling out splits, but after the Great Toe Revolt of Mile 16 my recall less than perfect. 1-2 averaged 7:45, mile 4 clocked in exactly at 30, I think mile 6 was 45:50, and then I averaged between 6:55 and 7:05 up to mi 18.

Major congratulations to Dale, who ran a great race and got his BQ. I'm not surprised at all given the quality of his training. As for me, wait till next year saith Leo Durocher.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Benn on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 17:39:50

HAHAHA! All I could think of was the Seinfeld episode with the clock fiasco! Look forward to reading about the race man! I'm sure you dropped the hammer!


From MichelleL on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 18:03:30

I have been refreshing the race reports page waiting for your report, so don't leave us hanging too long!

From Dale on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 18:36:42


You looked great out there late in the race, especially since this is your first one. Sorry I didn't get to see you in the finish was a madhouse, of course. Now go find some ibuprofin!

Good race!

From James on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 18:49:28

You shoulsd have made Dave Nelson do that with you. Looking forward to the report.

From Dale on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 19:27:00

Take nothing away from yourself on this one....I WISH I could've come close to doing as well as you did on your first marathon, much less on 2 months serious training??? Wow man! You've got some great marathons ahead of you.

Congrats again. A race definitely well run.

From MichelleL on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 19:29:44

Aaron-is your time a 3:25 then? Sorry your body didn't cooperate with your high aspirations, but it is a respectable start and should make you hungry for your next go around.

From Benn on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 19:37:41

AWESOME JOB AARON! You have the drive and dedication needed to get your BQ. You'll do it in no time! Keep up the great work.

From josse on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 21:17:09

I often have the same low glyco problems in marathons. I found that products from Hammer co. to really help me. If you want more info on what I do feel free to ask. Great job on the marathon, they are all learning for the next.

From Tom on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 21:25:29

Aaron you should be pleased with your race, you did great especially for your 1st marathon. First one is usually always a learning experience with a few mistakes. Your BQ is right there within your reach for the next one.

From Lyman on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 23:02:01

There is nothing that can prepare you for the last 6 miles of your first marathon. It took nothing less than all of my mental, physical, and spiritual/emotional strength to cross the finish line on my first marathon but the reward was equal to the effort. Your time is exceptional for a first and that BQ is well within your reach for the next one. Enjoy the recovery.

From David on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 23:49:24

Way to push through it and finish tough. Nothing to be ashamed of with that time, and you didn't get soaked/frozen. Some good things. I didn't miss you because of the timing, a combination of things meant I couldn't make it to the course when I planned; I didn't realize it started at 8:15. When you recover we'll get together for a few miles on a weekend.

From James W on Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 07:56:00

Aaron, congrats on a great time for your first marathon. My first marathon, I barely broke 4 hours - I didn't know what to expect, and I did end up walking quite a bit during the last 8 miles or so. You did a great job. Muscular ache - after St. George, I could barely stand up. In fact, when I sat down, I almost couldn't stand back up again.

From Bonnie on Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 09:10:27

Great Job Aaron - now you have a baseline to work from - you have gotten the dreaded "first marathon" out of the way!!

Rest well.

From Paul Petersen on Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 09:11:44

Way to persevere. No BQ, but at least you got an entertaining race report out of it. Congrats on your 1st marathon. You've earned a weeks worth of naps.

From jtshad on Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 09:55:40

Congratulations on a solid time for your first marathon. The first one is a real learning have some more great races ahead of you as you learn from this one and get the BQ the next time.

From Sean on Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 10:37:40

Great job. Tough course. Anytime it doesn't rain, sleet or snow for the Seattle Marathon it is a miracle.

From Michael on Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 09:37:55

Way to run Aaron - great job for your first marathon. The 2:25 time in the heading took me by surprize, until I read your report. Im glad you had good weather - cant imagine the challenge if it was the normal cold Seattle rain. I read about the marathon in the Seattle Times while heading back from Thanksgiving in Washington, sounds like a scenic course. Hope you recover and heal well

From Dave Holt on Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 12:09:12

Good work - one down, many more to come!

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Regular rest day. Only real lingering soreness is in the adductors, specifically I think the pectinius, right by the pelvis. Never felt it there before (which probably means that I wasn't working it hard enough). Combined with the fact that the left foot now feels fine, I think my day-after analysis would be that I slowed at mi 16 simply because I wore down and leg lift decreased rather than any specific injury-related mechanical defect. The "numb foot" was just one of those things you fix on while looking down from The Wall.

Had a good bike ride this morning, and felt pretty good. Look forward to regular run with DG tomorrow.  Thanks to everyone for your encouraging and helpful comments.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Greenlake with DG. Calves a bit sore--told him we couldn't stop for the Aurora traffic light, or I'd never get going again--but not too bad.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From MichelleL on Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 12:48:59

Glad you aren't too sore. Make sure you give yourself more rest time if you need to.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Stomach flu. Bad news.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From MichelleL on Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 09:26:00

Maybe good news in disguise? Keeps you off your feet and gives your legs the rest you need?

From David on Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 13:41:34

Hear hear to that. Take it easy this week, no need to exacerbate anything Sunday might have done. 26 miles is a long way.

By the way, I created a Moab 1/2 team if you're still interested. Group name is 'Bruger Time' if you want to sign up with us.

From josse on Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 17:07:02

It's going around this neck of the woods as well. Hope you feel better soon.

From Aaron on Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 15:22:15

Thanks to all for the encouragement. It probably was good to rest, but I don't recommend my alternative regimen. The porcelein god was well-worshipped in Household of Aaron.

Dave, I signed up a while back as an individual--are the chances better if you're with a team? If so, I wonder if I can still switch.

From josse on Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 15:26:53

I don't think you have anymore chance of getting in as an indivdual or a team. Just don't sign up more than once, they will diqualify you. If you don't get in you should come run the ogden half. They have one on April 5th and another in May with the Marathon.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Snow! Very queasy.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Still feeling sick and given hard rain seemed imprudent.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Was looking forward to a run until I looked outside. Um, not. Oceanic. DG called at 515 and I was happy to go back to bed. Many flooded basements.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. Weather was nice. Still feeling a bit weak, whether the aftermath of the marathon (unlikely this far along?) or of the flu. Also noticing some unexpected post-partum depression, a.k.a. the "Okay, now what?" feeling. Nothing serious, just a bit unmotivated and needing to recalibrate my goals and refocus.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Dale on Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 16:03:22

Welcome back from your "enforced rest period".

Actually, the "now what" is pretty common after a marathon....most folks (myself included) don't look past race date, so what was filling a pretty decent sized part of your life is now a blank page. Just need to fill in some new goals and you'll be good as new!

From David on Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 13:08:13

Moab 1/2!

From Aaron on Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 16:49:23


Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

That's some day. Sweet weather: sunny and cold. Ravenna to the Burke-Gilman Trail a ways.

Achilles was complaining until mile 5, after the turnaround did a mile at about 7:00 just to see what it would feel like. Had plenty of giddyup, but when I moved my stride into higher gear in the soreness in the hip/pelvis was pretty noticeable. Then hit the Ravenna hill and it was immediately clear exactly what threw a monkey wrench into my marathon: weak adductors. The same muscle group that I was stressing for the higher stride is front and center on a steep incline. Once again, couldn't exceed but 10:00 between miles 9-10, and then was pretty much done. Food for thought.

A pretty weenie week, obviously, but after the Whidbey Half in April I overdid it and hurt myself, so no reason not to ease back into things. Probably ought to go slow until the hip feels better, right one in particular.

1:38 total. Waverider.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Benn on Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 17:56:28

Nice run for coming off a blah week! You doing more marathons in '08?

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Rest day. Right groin still sore.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 105th. Still feeling pretty cruddy, left achilles was the star performer this time, sticking today in a way that suggested heel spur, which would explain the weird off-center soreness in the foot. Took forever to warm up then I was running on it OK, but stretching afterwards it was still sticky.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From MichelleL on Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 10:26:04

Seems like your body is not cooperating too well these days. What is a comprehensive list of your ailments? I have caught wind of Achilles, groin and of course the lovely GI illness. Are any of these bona fide injuries?

From Aaron on Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 12:52:31

Ha. Bona fide, I don't know. The flu was bona fide. The groin is definitely strained, it's been bugging me since that last 10k on the marathon. The heel spur is just a theory, but the foot has been hurting since October. None of them is made worse by running I don't think (though the groin does seem to complain when I pick up my stride as on the run Saturday), so in that sense none of them is "bona fide." But the body doesn't quite feel right.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 1005th. Woke up (again) at 3 in the morning, which has been par for the course lately; but this time I tried something new: Gatorade. It works! Fell right back asleep until 5:29 or so. Anyway, my body felt much better with the extra rest. Achilles better, groin still strained but less sore. Didn't have a whole lot of energy (some systems still sleeping?), but we took it slow so that worked fine.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. Clear and super-cold (for Seattle) with black ice all over the place.

So here's a conundrum. Sunday I was totally stuck and couldn't write a word, and Monday morning I felt like my body was going to spew spare parts all over the road. By contrast, the last two days I wrote really well and worked fairly efficiently, and lo and behold my body has felt great. Today the achilles was super, no complaints from the groin, stomach fine. What's up with that? Is it just that I sleep better when the work is moving along?

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Bonnie on Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 14:34:44

subconscience stress about getting it done -- or at least that is what I have always attributed it to -- unfortunately, in academia it never goes away!

Good job plugging along with the writing (and keeping up with the running).


From MichelleL on Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 14:50:35

My husband Paul does at least one "writing session" a day, at least 5 days a week, and has for five years. He may take xmas off, but not both xmas and xmas eve, that would be asking too much. I think writing is alot like running. You have to show up and do the time, and sometimes it is glorious, and sometimes it's not, and you won't always know which it will be.

I get that feeling like appendages are going to fall off sometimes. It is a strange feeling.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 105th. Much warmer out, but I had very low energy this morning. First Law of Thermodynamics in action, I guess. Picked it up some on the last mile.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + Fremont to 105th. Did the outer Greenlake ring today, with one mile at 7:20. Had a nice chat.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From josse on Fri, Dec 14, 2007 at 15:33:24

Looks like your recovering well from the Marathon. What's the plan for the spring and summer?

From Aaron on Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 21:58:59

Thanks! I'm finally back to feeling more or less normal. I'll run a couple of 5-10ks through the winter, then (assuming I make the lottery) Moab Half in March, Vancouver in May and maybe San Francisco in July.

Keep on being patient with the post-op recovery! Useless advice, I know.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Did a test run from Woodland Park up to DG's place (20 minutes at a relatively easy pace), then twice around Greenlake. Gaggle of new recruits or maybe ROTC were doing a run, and to be honest they looked pretty bad, the first guy came in just as I passed, at 21 minutes for the 2.7 miles. I'm sure in a couple of months though they'd be lapping me in full body armor. We're at war, but these were the first soldiers in uniform (well, Army sweats) tha I've seen in a long time. In Turkey, in Israel, even in Switzerland, when I was working in those places, you saw them all the time. In Kitsap the Navy guys wear civvies when they're off base.

Ran pretty well, I think the first eight miles were about seven. Crapped out on mile nine again, though, for all there wasn't any uphill. No discomfort in the groin this time, but definitely weak. I think. Hangover from the marathon? I actually feel very spry, no soreness or anything. But haven't had a 40 mile week since I started the taper, so I was happy to run on home. Eights or nines next week.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Rest day, but hiked six miles with a heavy pack. Feet not feeling great.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. Hooked up on the lake, ran DG back to his place, then did another circuit and a half. Definitely not feeling quite right, whether it was the hike yesterday or poor diet (snacked rather than eating dinner). Couldn't seem to get up to speed, and crapped out at the six mile mark. Right hip/groin quite cranky.

Email from the Moab people came today, looks like I'm in. Good deal.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG + lap and a half. Feet were sore to start out, and moving pretty slow, but no serious complaints.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. rain rain and more rain.  Started out in a drizzle and the drops just got bigger and bigger until one of them whacked me across the face and nearly knocked me out. I think it was intentional. The puddles don't even bear mentioning. I sped up, or tried to, but cold and wet apparently doesn't make my mitochondria feel all warm and fuzzy.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From josse on Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 14:33:19

Did you fight back?

From Jon on Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 16:46:39

What does your blog name mean?

From Aaron on Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 18:07:41

Sure I fought back, but the enemy really knows how to roll with a punch.

The name means, "Hail Herodicus of Selymbria!" who was a famous Greek physician (supposedly the teacher of Hippocrates). He advocated strenuous physical exercise - and frequent baths - as the path to health.

From MichelleL on Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 18:17:35

Sounds like most of us are having the weather blues. You got it done with nice mileage anyway.

From David on Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 00:52:09

You're a wetter man than I. After seeing the downpour this morning my shoes stayed on the ground and I wrote email instead of running. Can't do that again tomorrow, hopefully it'll let up.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. Nothing special to report, except that it was more or less dry. Stretched my ITB/hip out good, and the groin pain was a no-show, so that's something.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

530 with DG. Clear and cold, nothing special to report. Felt moderately fast, but overall time was 1:15ish so we must have plodded for quite a few of those miles.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Sweet run. Weather was super lousy the last two days as only Seattle in the winter can be, and me fighting a cold, I bailed on Saturday. A new week, though, and a holiday to boot--got up somewhat late at 8:00 and did a big loop around past Northgate. Crisp, clear weather for once, air was orchardish, or orchardian, or maybe orchardist. Cooking dinner Christmas eve, all I had planned in advance was beet greens (I usually build a menu on what's on at the supermarket), but they and the seared steaks and yams came out great.

Slow and easy, 8:25 average.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

I love doing anything outside on Christmas Day morning. Everything is silent, by contrast to the night before, which is, ironically, not silent. Around Greenlake to Ravenmna, then over the hill to the Burke-Gilman Trail, and home via Gasworks Park. No problems, 7:50 average.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Unplanned rest day. Came straight to work from the folks' place on Bainbridge Island in the early AM and ended up having about four hours of errands after I got home. Wiped.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Felt pretty good. Out to Northgate and back around the lake. Average 7:50 for the ten miles, then a cooldown half-mile. The last four before that were around 7:20-7:30.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From MichelleL on Fri, Dec 28, 2007 at 18:37:42

You've been cranking some good paces! Have you considered doing your errands while running? I have gone to the bank, to Wal-mart (admittedly only for a thing or two then running home with the items in a bag), Home Depot, etc while running. Efficiency!

From Aaron on Fri, Dec 28, 2007 at 18:42:08

Well, I usually need some warmup or else the PF gets annoying. So until I can kick it, probably not time efficient. Fortunately I've got my trusty bicycle!

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Around the lake and home via Gasworks Park. Felt pretty good, kept them under 8:00 until the last 1.5 mi. A bit of medial right knee soreness at that point. May be time to retire the Nimbi, I'll have to add up the mileage. Average 7:50 for the first 9:00.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From josse on Fri, Dec 28, 2007 at 18:46:02

I can always feel it in my joints when I need new shoes. Great job on the run.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

Loop da loop, Burke Gilman to Ravenna to Greenlake. Couldn't fall back asleep so at 5:15 I just went for it, despite the weekend, then came home and "napped" for 3 hours till 9:30. The pace and effort were "recovery run grade," I guess. Didn't feel all that great, unsurprisingly. But now the legs are fine. Funny how that works. I'm going to try another week of 5x10 then maybe 6x9 and 6x10 the weeks following.

9:07 average.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM - Greenlake. Will try to get in 4 more before heading over for NY.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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