Easy 3 miles with Pepper to try and tire him out before the Phillies game. It worked for once. He came in, finished his dinner, then went directly to bed (sprawled across the pillows). Went to the doctors today and found out what I figured in the first place, I have ANOTHER sinus infection. I somehow think that the first one never really went away since it was only a few weeks ago. Got some meds and some new stuff to help heal the sinuses and am totally wiped out because of them. Finally, took my Asic Kayano 14's back to the store and exchanged them for some Broooks Infinitis, which I should receive in the mail in a few days. I never should have strayed from the Brooks. I've got 1 1/2 weeks to break in the shoes before the marathon. Oh, and I'm heading up to beautiful State College, PA for the PSU/Michigan football game this weekend. I love the drive up there during this time of year because the foliage is absolutely gorgeous. Let's go Lions! |