Running With Pepper

Week starting Mar 09, 2008

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Falls Church,VA,USA

Member Since:

Mar 02, 2008



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

2010 Ocean City Half Marathon: 1:41:49

2008 Marine Corps Marathon - 3:40:59

2009 Clarksburg 5k - 20:05

2008 Jingle all the way 10k - 42:36

2009 Cherry Blossoms 10 Miler - 1:14:43


Short-Term Running Goals:

Run a sub 3:20 Marathon

Run a 1:30 half marathon

Ensure my heart doesn't explode while running, biking, hiking, and exercising. Live long and prosper.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep on running and not become a lard-a$$.


Pepper is my dog, thus my namesake. Used to run quite fast in the USMC (15:30 3 miles was my best) but stopped running when I got out. Now, it's much tougher and I generally cycle more than I run. However, I still compete in races because it's run and I can be a wee bit competitive.

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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Only did 4 miles in 34:26 today as my calves are killing me from doing a new calf workout at the gym on sunday. I walked gingerly around the office all day looking like an old man. Took Pepper for a nice 1.5 mile walk afterwards to help stretch the calves out. I'm really tired so far this week although I'm not too sure why. Alas, this must be an easy week so I can bump it up to 30 miles next week. 

(Brooks Infiniti 17.5)

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Felt like I was running quite a bit faster than usual today, and it turns out that I was. Finished a really hilly 5 mile course in 39:49 and then took Pepper for a 1.5 mile walk. Agression from dealing with a stupid idiot at work fueled my speed, which felt really good. Pepper was quite the crazy boy tonight, barking at other dogs, although he's still scared of sewer drains.

(Brooks Infiniti's 23 miles)

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Took the day off and went out to Great Falls National Park with Pepper. It is beautiful outside (60-65/partly cloudy) and we did some serious hiking. First 3.5 miles was in really difficult and rocky terrain while the last 3.5 miles was along the Potomac River. I wish I could take off every Friday and spend it with the dog.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Took Pepper for a 3 mile run and finished in 26:26. Nice cool day for a short run this morning to try and tire him out before he goes to his refresher doggie obedience training. I felt good running, but as tomorrow is the long run, I didn't want to push it. Pepper is actually building up on the mileage really well now and I hope to take him up to 4 miles soon with an ultimate goal of about 10 miles. Off to do family stuff and look at camping gear.

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