Today I went to the Utah Running Club Races. I didn't race today though. My wife, Susie, ran her first 10k. I stayed at the park to watch the kids. All of the kids ran a race today too. The three youngest did a 200 meter race. I ran along side Evan to keep him going. He finished last, but it was fun. Connor ran the 1 mile. He did great coming in at 9:33. Susie did great on her race she came in at 58:30. That is a faster pace than she ran her last two 5k's.
I didn't get my run in until the afternoon. I went up to the Mueller Park Trail today. The weather was perfect. I made it up to Elephant Rock in 40 minutes and kept going up the trail. I made it to Rudy's Flat in 1:15. Rudy's Flat is 6.25 from the trailhead with an elevation gain of 1900 ft. I rested at the top for a minute then headed back down towards Mueller Park. I saw five deer while out on my run. Of course it may have been only two deer, because I never saw more the two at once. Towards the end of the run my legs were feeling fatigue and I couldn't keep up the strong downhill pace that i had been doing. I made it down in 59 minutes. This is the longest run I have done since April. I am running the Wahsatch Steeplechase one week from today. Hopefully I will be ready.