I got up at 2:00 a.m. Only four hours of sleep. I was on the bus to the start at 3:30 a.m. The bus got to the start at 3:50 a.m. The race didn't start until 5:30 a.m. I don't know why they had the buses leave so early. I didn't want to stand around like everyone else just waiting for the start, so I hiked 1.2 miles up to the summit of Big Mountain at an elevation of 8472 ft in the dark.
I made it back down to the race start with plenty of time to spare. I did a few warmup stretches before the start. We started right on time. I ran nice and easy down towards Parley's Canyon. It was a beautiful morning. The only major uphill in this race is between miles 6 and 8. It seemed easier than it has in past years. The weather stayed a little cooler than I was expecting and there was often shade to run in. Towards the end, part of this race goes along the parade route. I gave several little kids high five as I went past. As I was approaching the finish, I heard someone yell "Go Twinkies" but I didn't see who it was. I was surprised to hear the cheer since I was wearing my Jamba Juice shirt and not my Twinkies shirt. I finished in 3:47:01. Not my fastest time for this course, but I was taking it easy today. It turns out that it was Smooth and Teena Marie who cheered me in. I caught up with them again after the finish. 