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Philo Thanksgiving Run

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Member Since:

May 12, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

1/2 marathon  1:43:09--Illinois Marathon, April 2013

10K: 46:50--Safe Kids Run in Crystal Lake Park, April 2010

5K: 22:07--Jingle Bell Run, December 2009

Short-Term Running Goals:

Do another marathon AFTER GOOD TRAINING


1/2 marathon in 1:41 or under


Break Burt's 5K PR by 1 second


10K in 46:00 or under


Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep encouraging my family in their development of a healthy lifestyle


God willing, I will run until the end.


I run with God. I use my running time to contemplate, to pray and to listen for His call. I'm married to a non-runner, but a supportive one, and we have four children.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Iso Lifetime Miles: 133.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Saucony Omni 8 Miles: 32.90
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I badly overestimated my skills!

My timed mile was 6:40.  The first 800 was 3:14 (I couldn't see my watch after the first 400).  I didn't think I slowed down that much, but of course I did.  The third lap was the hardest.

I'm going to try again in a few weeks (a few Saturdays from now, since I will be racing the next few weekends).  Maybe doing it first thing in the morning will make me faster.  Maybe not.

At least I won my age division :)

And right after I typed this the first time, my oldest started throwing up in the toilet down here.  Awesome.  I actually thought I had food poisoning or something.  I guess not.  My hubby doesn't feel good either.

Saucony Omni 8 Miles: 7.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

An easy 7.  Raining today.  I guess it's supposed to turn into snow flurries around Thursday.  I could do without that.  I've been loving the mild weather.  

Saucony Omni 8 Miles: 7.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I wasn't sure how many miles to do today.  I alternated between 4 (since I'm racing tomorrow) and 7 (because I want to have more mileage this week) and then eventually settled on 6.  Why?  No reason, really.

It was raining again, but lighter today.  I actually didn't really notice that it was raining until I ran by puddles and could see the rain hitting the puddles.  I hope it isn't raining tomorrow, but it probably will be. 

I also wore too many clothes today.  It was a little colder than it's been, so I put on one more layer on top and bottom and wore a hat.  I shed the hat, but there wasn't a lot I could do about the rest.  At least I know how to dress for tomorrow!

Saucony Omni 8 Miles: 6.10
Race: Philo Thanksgiving Run (3.1 Miles) 00:23:02, Place in age division: 4
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Did a 3.2 mile warm up.  Ran the course and a bit with one of my runners--his family was in charge of the race. 

This was the smallest race that I have ever run in (in little Philo, Illinois).  There were probably 50-75 runners and I didn't see how many walkers since they started behind us.  It was also very casual.  No awards other than a turkey to the first male and first female of the under high school division and high school and over division.

The miles were not really marked, but my runner showed me approximately where they were, so I just looked at my watch at those times.  The course was simple to follow--just a backwards P, most of it on country roads.

BUT that was also bad because it was ridiculously windy:  15 mph winds with gusts up to 28 mph.  The first couple miles were fine and I was on track for some time in the low 22's (approximately, of course, to the garmin-less me).  I caught up with the 3rd place girl.

THEN after a little over 2 miles, we turned into a wall of wind.  I tried to use the 3rd place girl as a block for the wind, but it really did nothing.  For 3/4 of a mile we were running slightly uphill AND into the wind.  I lost a lot of time and lost my hold on the 3rd place girl.

Then the last 1/4 mile we got to turn and the wind wasn't so bad.  I tried valiantly to catch the girl, but I couldn't.  I heard footsteps behind me and bore down with everything I had left.  I hadn't been passed since about halfway into the race (by one guy) and I didn't want to be passed in the end.  I held on.  The guy behind me congratulated me--he said he was trying with all his might to catch me. 

I was the 4th woman, but 2 of the girls ahead of me were high schoolers, so I'm okay.  I don't know how old the 2nd place woman was.  I'm a terrible judge of age.  She could've been my age or maybe a little older.

Time wasn't awesome (23:02), but wasn't too terrible considering the wind.  I did roughly a mile as a cool down and now I'm off to give thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh, and I ordered a garmin--it has already shipped.  I'm so excited.

Saucony Omni 8 Miles: 7.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Just an easy 6.  Today's the first day all week that it hasn't been raining. Off to Chicago today!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I almost didn't go running. I was planning on running at my sister's tonight and she changed plans on me and is coming here tonight instead.  By the time she told me I had already missed my morning window.

This morning I had the kids and my mom had errands to run.  So I studied for my upcoming school law test.

Then it was the zoo (what trip to my mom's is complete without a trip to the zoo?).  We took the neighbor boy and went.  Didn't bring a stroller because we were planning just to go to the indoor children's activity place, but it was so nice (high 50s) that we decided to walk around.  It was approaching nap time and Eli got tired after about an hour of walking around (we went into the reptile house and Tropic World--gotta see the monkeys--and saw the elephants).  I carried him for a bit and boy is he heavy.  Then he got a second wind when we went to the park.  Then the kids wanted ice cream (yes, ice cream) and I went with it and had some myself.  My mom refused to play along and ordered hot chocolate.

Then we came home and it was more studying.  Eli took a nap and during a study break I checked my email and saw all the fastrunningblog emails.  So I decided to go for a run since Eli was still sleeping. 

I wanted to run 7 to get to 40 miles this week.  I started to go an 7.5 mile route and then it got dark earlier than I expected and I didn't want to run along the river in the dark.  Instead I headed home and lengthened my run a little. 

So I am just under 40 miles, but I would've been a lot more under if I hadn't guilted myself into running!

This week my running schedule will have to change slightly.  I may (I stress the may) run a couple days in the morning, but it means I won't run as many miles.  Class on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and then I'm pretty much done with my classes for this semester.

Saucony Omni 8 Miles: 5.60
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Saucony Omni 8 Miles: 32.90
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