Since my garmin was still dead and I made no effort to find my charger on Friday, I had to go sans watch again. I had to estimate just a bit and did another out and back. I hit the lap button at my guesses at a mile so that I could compare how I was running on the way out and the way back, and I was pretty even, except the wind was a factor. I was 20 seconds slower on the way back in. I mapped my run and it was slightly over 5 miles. gmap says it was 5.17, but I'll underestimate in case it was wrong. So I averaged anywhere from 8:36 pace to 8:45 pace, which I'm okay with. It didn't feel too bad, though I was wondering in the end if I really had the stamina to run faster than that for more miles. I did find my charger at school, so I'll be depending on that this coming week :) I saw the dog that chased me last week on a chain by the house I thought was his. He barked at me again, but I told him to suck it when he gave chase and didn't get anywhere. I also was told to "Work it, girl" by a 6 year old. Then I was ogled by a couple old men. One was saying something to me as I was running past. I'm pretty sure it was lewd, but I couldn't really hear. So I just smiled to give the old men pleasure. I know I'm sexy while I'm running.