I would say my run today was moderate, not easy but not tempo. But then, I have no way of knowing because I couldn't find my watch before I left. I started off with a little spring in my step and decided to just go with it. I was going good and then I really found my rhythm at mile 3. The last two miles I got progressively faster. I sorta wish I had my watch, but I think it's probably better that I didn't. I have a tendency to become obsessed with my pace and I think it is a limiting factor for me. I was happy to go by feel. I was fooled because on the way home from school it was sunny and 62,
but when I actually went out for a run it was cloudy, dreary, and
colder. I almost went out in a t-shirt, but decided to put on a long
sleeve t, and I was a little chilly. I was limited on time today, so hopefully I will be able to get in a longer run tomorrow.