Had been feeling pretty good the last couple days as far as the injury. I had a little sickness over the weekend that didn't feel so good but that's another story. So I thought maybe it was time to test running. Didn't work out so well. Started feeling the hip pain shortly after starting and it got no better by 1/2 mile so I stopped and walked back to the gym with head hung low and tail between my legs. Bike riding feels fine so I did 30 min of uninspired riding. I've scheduled a doctor appointment tomorrow and get an x-ray of the hip to rule out any kind of stress fracture. It's been over 2 weeks now since the mystery injury so any bone stuff should show up now. Then I guess we'll see what happens in the next few weeks between some phys therapy and maybe some chiro work. Kinda feel guilty getting much bummed out about something minor like this, there are so many people I know right now who are dealing with far worse. For me the glass is most certainly still half full!