So much for the couple of sorta nice days we had. Woke up early with plans to run a couple miles solo then go 5-6 more with Kim. The night before the weatherman had assured us that this was a mostly wind with not so much snow kind of storm. Found a foot of fresh powder to greet me. Roads not plowed. Had a brief moment of stubborness and/or stupidity and thought perhaps I could run in some tire tracks and be OK. No dice as I was doing the major slip, sliding thing that seems like an injury just waiting to happen. Finally gave up after 1/4 mile and went back home to tell Kim it wasn't going to work so good. So instead we shovelled snow like lunatics for the hour and probably messed up our backs come tomorrow morning when we try for the next run.
Later at work I did some particularly boring treadmill and cross-train (circuit/weights) stuff.
OK too much negative tone.....need to remember that life is GOOD, every run is a GREAT run, we need the moisture (do we actually still need much more?), and wonderful springtime weather is just around the corner getting closer every second.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!