First day of post-injury crosstraining. 30 minutes on the exercise bike at the gym. They were showing Avatar which Kim and I just saw Saturday so I grabbed the MP3 player and listened to some tunes.
The biking was boring but it did feel good to sweat and I'm feeling good afterward. No complaints from the foot. HR already higher than what I used to see for biking but I suppose that's to be expected.
Just to experiment I tried a few steps on the eliptical and stair machine but I could tell it was a no-go for anything but bike for now. When I can walk normal without pain or any limp then maybe I'll try other stuff.
I just don't know if I can be diligent like last time I had to crosstrain and like Riverton Paul and get in 90 minutes on weekdays and 2 hours+ on Saturday. Especially with only bike as the option I don't think I can do more than 45 minutes or so. For now I'll just take one day at a time, maybe try 35 or 40 minutes tomorrow and see how it goes. Maybe they'll let me do something in the pool at the PT's office. |