Early AM: 6 miles solo as today is a rest day for Kim. The canyon wind was back in full force after being awol the last few days. Thankfully our river bottoms route allows us to avoid the full brunt for the most part. Turned out to be a nice enjoyable run.
Late AM: Beautiful sunny November day. Probably high 40's, warm enough for short sleeves and near perfect for running in my book. Ran 2 on the roads then 2 more BFOG.
Today I'm thankful for my missionary son Tyler serving in Denmark who reaches the 1 year mark today. Can't believe how quickly time goes by. The music room has been pretty quiet while he's been gone, I miss hearing his guitar practicing. In honor of his hump day here is a video of Tyler doing some wild & crazy air-tap guitar work with a song he wrote. After we watched the movie "August Rush" Tyler started tinkering with this style and actually got pretty good.