AM: Easy 7 mile solo run mostly around river bottoms. Felt very lethargic today. Kind of strange since all day yesterday and last night before I went to bed I was thinking how good my legs were feeling. Maybe had something to do with the alarm waking me up instead of waking up a few minutes before the alarm as is usually the case. Did a few 10-20 sec striders to try and kick-start the system but to no avail. Oh well...go figure. Ave pace 9:02.
Noon: Ended up running just over a mile and a half before turning around and coming back to end up with 3.1 miles. I did feel better than this morning and what felt like the same effort ended up being around 8:15 pace rather than the 9 min pace this morning. But as I ended up alone on this run and it was hot I just didn't feel like going any further. I hope Dale is correct in his comments. Ave pace 8:15.
I finally broke down and scheduled an appointment with Doc Takasaki check on the lower abdomen pains and see if by chance I have a hernia. The groin stuff seems to be on the mend this week but the gut thing can still be very annoying at times. Nice thing about Dr. Takasaki is that he's a runner so he "get's it" and won't give me any stupid advice like some non-running doctors are prone to do. |