I'm exhausted!!!! 7 hour test today: From 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. with only one 50 minute break, otherwise you had to be in your chair: no food, no drinks, no mints, nothing!!!! Had to be metal dectected, photo I.d.ed, picture taken, signature matched, pull my pockets inside out, etc. both before going into the testing room and re-entering after break. It was EXHAUSTING!!!! Ha!! 18 mile run with Shelbey starting at about 5:00 p.m. Our long run was exactly what I needed to get that test, and the hundreds of hours studying for it out of my system!!! Ha! We took it fairly easy down to the last 17 miles of the SGM course and then ran another mile to Shelbey's house so that her hubby could take us back to Ry's car (Ry drove us up, and then came back and ran the last 6 miles with us). We averaged an 8:19 as we took it fairly easy and chatted away. We are simply trying to get our legs ready for some downhill come the May marathon which will be crazy downhill. I need to find a nice balance since Boston is not crazy downhill which is 3 weeks prior. Both should be fun! :-) So here is how dang tired my brain was last night. It goes a little something like this: While we were running I couldn't help but think about how dark it got so early. Seriously, like 7:00ish it seemed crazy dark! I was trying hard not to trip on things. Neither Ry or Shelbey were complaining so I just kept focused on where my feet were landing and crossed my fingers that I wouldn't fall. Part two of the story goes like this: As I was laying in bed (well past midnight since my mind was racing about the test) it hit me!!! When the sun went down I didn't think about taking my sunglasses off!!! Hence I was running in them the whole time!!!! What an idiot!!!! HA!!!!! :-) |