This ended up being an evening run because the night before when we were driving home from my parents home Mitchell, my 4 year old, asked if we could sleep out in our back yard. So spontaneously we through up our tent at about 9:00 p.m. Sunday night and slept in the tent. I didn't wake up to do my run because I didn't want to wake up Mitchell. It was way worth it though. I will be sad when he no longer wants to do stuff like that with me. Also, we had our first real talk about girls. It was just him telling me who he thought were the cutest girls in his primary class, but it's a start :). So I did my run at about 7:00 p.m. I took Penny with me to try and get her to go to sleep. It worked she was out by the first mile mark, but then she woke up at mile 10 all happy and ready to play. So it ended up backfiring because she just got a good nap in and then was ready to be up all night. The run itself wasn't bad. I was still feeling the race but that was to be expected. Stoller miles AP: 7:14.