I'm not really sure about the milage today. I might be more like 23?? My Garmin and my friend's weren't accurate since we both turned them off a couple of times and forgot to turn them back on. ha! Whoops! I ran about 21 with my friend in the morning and a little later in the day. We started in Holladay and ran to Sugarhouse Park and around a couple of times and up through the Country Club and back to Highland High for the drinking fountain and back to Holladay. I wasn't dead at the end of the run and another 5 would have been fine. :) Does anyone else have this problem??? My feet are so sore! I am not injured, but I have been afraid to run the past two weeks because my heels feel bruised and the sides of my feet hurt and the tissue in my feet is tender. I think all of the pounding is just a bit much on my poor feet! I have run 2 X 18 milers and 2 X 21 milers now, not to mention all of the teen long runs in between. I was planning on running 8 to 10 tomorrow, but I think I am going to let my feet heal a bit. I REALLY don't want to have an injury this close to Boston!!! Any advice? I have been trying to eat high nutrient foot. I have been blending tons of mixed greens, flax, berries and trying to keep my diet really clean and good. I have tried to be a vegetarian and vegan before, but I just didn't feel good at all. My body needs meat! I try not to eat too much meat and keep most of it organic. I always use and eat organic eggs. Any advice on eating before Boston? Another problem....I am terrified that I am going to turn into diarrhea lady durning the marathon. I haven't had a problem with it this week (thank goodness), but I have lately been so sick during and after my runs. The harder or longer they have been the worse it is for me. Yesterday's run was great and I didn't have any problems, I am hoping for the best on race day and not hitting a POP every few miles! Do you take any kind of Pepto or anti-diarrhea medicine before a race or long run? I am such a novice and I don't know how I qualified for Boston. I am not a real runner, I just love to run! HELP :)