Today sucked. It was just one of those days... It took me from after school until about 4:30 to even muster up the motivation to walk out of the door to head out for my run, and then once I got to the rec center I sat there in my car for another 15 minutes just trying to wrap my mind around my workout and prematurely establish the fact that I WOULD do it. Didn't go so well. I did a .6 mile warm up, and then had planned to do 6 reps of the .4 mile loop at a fast pace (somewhere between 800 and mile race pace) and a 2 mile cool down. Instead, I was just feeling so sick of running that I did a super short fartlek run of 1 minute fast, 1 minute slow for 8 minutes (a little over a mile) to get a little warmer and then went inside to the spin bike. I biked a little over 5 miles. Biking does nothing for me cardiovascularly, honestly, but it did set my quads on fire. Afterwards I did a pushup circuit and stretched. I hate when I don't follow through with the planned workout.