48F, raining, breezy at times. G-A run. 20 min. strength work. I am really pleased with this run. After about 2 miles of very easy, gentle pace, I concentrated on form and got my pace down to 9:45 for the rest of the run, excepting a half mile cool down. Normally my post-warm up pace would be closer to 10:20-10:40. Everything feels great. Ladies only... I have not been sleeping well at all for the past month or so, but fortunately the effects of broken sleep don't usually hit me until the afternoon and so do not affect my running. I'm looking forward to talking to my doc again today; I cannot continue like this. I get about 2 hours of sleep at a time, punctuated by severe hot flashes that wake me up. I wish I could just pull the reproductive plug and be done with it, but that's not evidently what Mother Nature has in mind. About a year ago I had this problem and "fixed" it with an herbal supplement called Vitex. But I have been experiencing increased hair loss and found out recently that Vitex can have that side effect. Well, I'd rather have hot flashes than be bald, so I dropped the Vitex, even though the hair thing might be biotin shortage, or low ferritin, or a number of other things. If you know anything about this issue, drop me a line. If you're young and free of hormone issues, count your blessings. :) |