37F, clear & starry. G-A run w/ 5 x 10 sec. hill sprints. Those hill sprints were a bit of a "well, it's better than nothing" experience. First of all, I let myself space out (why does that happen so often?) and didn't have time to do the 10 reps I had planned. I didn't even really have time for the 5, but Mr. Sno doesn't worry too much if I'm a couple of minutes late. Secondly, I should have gone to a steeper hill. So... all in all the sprints were only fun and not grueling - gee, isn't running a brutal sport? ;) Close encounter... I ran so close to a deer this morning that we were both startled into- well, doing nothing. After passing a hedge along a sidewalk, there she was, standing less than 3 feet from me. She froze in the beam of my headlamp, and I ran past slowly. I could have reached out and touched her. It's a moment I think I will remember for a long time. |