After spending two days telling myself I am not getting sick, I had to admit last night that the back of my throat felt sore. That is how my daughter's cold started last week. Last evening I went back and forth in my mind: run, don't run, run, don't run. I decided to set the alarm and see how I felt in the morning. But at about 3:30 AM, I woke up feeling all weird at the back of the roof of my mouth - you know the feeling. Optimist that I am, I still feel I can "beat" this, ie not get a full-on cold. But I had to sacrifice the long run today. This is when doing long runs all the time really pays off! Missing one isn't quite the tragedy it would be if I only had 2 or 3 scheduled. I had planned to drive to the Sammamish River Trail today because it is both flat and paved (like Newport Marathon), and run 18 miles with an on/off MP mile x 5 or 6 after 4 miles easy, then a few miles of cool down. Next week was to be a straight easy to moderate 22 miler. Now I must decide whether to do the 18 MP next weekend or wait until it comes around again in my schedule. I guess I'm asking for advice and opinions, although you guys know I'm likely to just do as I please in the end. :) Without any rescheduling the weekend lineup would look like this: 22, 18 w/ MP, 22, 23, 18 w/ MP, 10, marathon. I guess that looks ok. I'm all foggy upstairs though...