20F, 7:15 AP. It was 18 degrees at my house but the bank sign in town by the track said 20, so we'll go with that. Anyway, 8 x 800m was the workout today, 400m active recoveries. This time my plan was to go easy on the first 4, as long as I hit at least 10k pace, then work my way down to 5KGP (2:52-3) by the end.
AP 2:56.5 - (2:58.6, 2:59.0, 2:58.8, 2:58.3, 2:56.3, 2:55.5, 2:54.8, 2:51.1)
So yeah, pretty much did exactly what I wanted to do. This is surprising because I usually don't get to call my shots at the track. Usually whatever happens, happens. But by taking it (relatively) easy on the first 4, I was able to feel strong the whole workout. This is the way to go! |