A much warmer start to the morning this morning. 38 degrees and sunny although the sun didnt' make it over the mountains until Mile 7 or so. Headed south through Marysvale and a couple miles past the small little town. I'd be surprised if more than 200 people live there.
I shed my coat at Mile 2 which wound up being a bit too early. I went from be overheated to slightly chilled pretty quickly. At the turnaround my left arch started to really bug me. I'm wondering if my new shoes are too high in the arch. I may have to switch back to the Infinitys if that keeps up. It was pretty painful the whole way back. I was just happy to make it back in one piece.
All things considered, a very solid mileage week and a healing left calf. Hopefully with a day off tomorrow the arch will quiet down. |