Today was my first day back at work in 10 days. I was hoping to get up early and do my workout but sleep got the better of me so I waited until after work and ran about 5pm.
The workout was
The workout you gave me was a threshold cutdown as follows:
I did the following:
:29; :21; :26; :20; :24; :20; :17; :10
I was kind of all over the place on the first six miles but on average well below the assigned splits. I ran those miles on my certified 10k course to avoid doing 4,000 laps around the track, then I ran the last TWO around the track. Yes, two. Not three. By the end of mile 7, the first one around the track, I knew I didn't have another two fast miles in me. So I made a deal with myself that if I hit the final mile time of 5:10 in Mile 8, then I would skip Mile 9. I did it although I was disappointed there wasn't gas in the tank for another. I should say there was gas in the tank, there just wasn't ixygen in the lungs. Since Hood to Coast, I have been battling a chest cold. This was my first workout since Hood to Coast so it was nice to run hard again, but my lungs are still working on 75% at best. It slowly improves each day but I simply didn't have enough for the workout. |