Today was supposed to be a speed workout but let's just say I would need an ark to get to the track in Snoqualmie. We've had ridiculous amounts of rain over the last 36 hours and combine that with temps in the low 50s and freezing levels above 7,000 feet and you get massive flooding. In fact, it looks like it will be historic flooding.
I set out with the intention of still trying to do the speed workout but it turned out that every road into town was completely closed. It was really eerie. Peoples homes were under water. Cars from the lower ground lined the streets of the higher ground. People were slogging through 2-3 feet of water to get to higher ground. It was sobering. Here I was in shorts out for a run.
The weather this winter has been unprecedented in it's warmth, its bitter cold, its rain, its snow and now the flooding. I love 600 higher than the lower part of town but I saw first hand today the sobering reality of mother nature...yet again.
Here is a picture of Snoqualmie Falls two weeks ago during the frigid week of Christmas:

Here it is today just two weeks later:

This last picture is taken from a one-way bridge in Snoqualmie. The road the water is covering is mile 2 of the 5k and 10k I host in August. Crazy.
