Pipeline double with Neasts, Craig, MattW, MVH, Je10, Leslie, JimmySg and Zac.
We started at the Birch Hollow trailhead in Millcreek Canyon at 4:30 AM this morning. I set my alarm for 3:20, but I woke up about 10 minutes before, so I just got up and got ready. I only got 3 hours of sleep and although I felt great at the time I am dragging big time now 12 hours later. Caffeine!
I was the first person at the trailhead and after 10 minutes everyone but Zac was there and we were off. We waited close to 10 minutes for Zac and he eventually caught up to us just before the turnaround. We did an out and back to the view point twice. It was a ton of fun and I think I spent some time chatting with just about everyone at some point during the day. The temps were perfect, I really love this trail and I totally enjoyed the morning. I got back to the car about 15 minutes later than I had hoped for after lap two, so it was a quick drive to the office, with a Nalgene bottle shower mixed-in in a random parking lot, threw on the suit and tie and made it almost in time. :)
Picture at the view point turnaround:
