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March 14, 2025

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American Fork,UT,USA

Member Since:

May 20, 2009



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

6 100 mile finishes:

Wasatch 100- 2011

Wasatch 100- 2012

Buffalo Run 100- 2013

Bryce 100- 2013

Wasatch 100- 2013

Buffalo Run 100- 2014

100 mile PR- 22:42

Multiple ultra distance adventure runs every year

My running focus has been on ultra running since 2011

Climbed 348 peaks from 2010-2013


Short-Term Running Goals:

Race Schedule for 2014:

Buffalo 100 (Goal: 22 hours)

Bighorn 100

Wasatch 100 (Goal: Under 30 hours)

Have less than 20 trail diggers in 2014:

Diggers so far in 2014: 1

Climb 100 peaks in 2014

Peaks climbed so far in 2014: 40

Long-Term Running Goals:

24 hour Wasatch 100 finish


Refuse2quit blog

My adventure blog

Summitpost profile

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Kinvara Lifetime Miles: 175.05
Hoka Bondi-B Lifetime Miles: 492.55
Brooks Cascadia 6 #3 Lifetime Miles: 246.52
Altra Lone Peak #2 Lifetime Miles: 398.00
2013 Elevation Gain Lifetime Miles: 325375.00
Altra Lone Peak #3 Lifetime Miles: 409.50
Altra Torin Lifetime Miles: 268.25
Altra Lone Peak 1.5 Lifetime Miles: 380.35
Altra Provision Lifetime Miles: 44.10
Altra Lone Peak 1.5 #2 Lifetime Miles: 312.40
Altra Lone Peak #4 Lifetime Miles: 439.00
2014 Elevation Gain Lifetime Miles: 118065.00
Altra Olympus Lifetime Miles: 98.00
Altra Lone Peak #5 Lifetime Miles: 146.70
Total Distance

What a day! I went for a long run with Crockett and Jun out in the Cedar Valley this morning. I didn't sleep well at all last night, but when I woke up I was excited about the run and I was wide awake even though it was 2:15 AM.

I met Crockett and Jun at 3:00 and we headed out to the Cedar Valley west of Eagle Mountain. We planned on doing 4 loops with a total of 40 miles. My goal was to at least get a marathon, but I really wanted to get an ultra distance if my legs would allow it.

It was pretty cold out and I bundled up, and we were quickly off and running on the first loop. The time seemed to fly by and before I knew it we were in Eagle Mountain. I was only slightly paying attention to our exact route because I was enjoying the good conversation, and that would come back to haunt me later in the morning. Eventually, we ended up back on the dirt road where the cars were and a few minutes later we were there and Jun and I took a two minute break, while Crockett went ahead.

The next loop was pretty long, almost 10 miles. We ran out to Camp Floyd south of Cedar Fort. It was a lot of fun talking and the time really seemed to go quickly. I was feeling really good the whole way, but I did notice that my legs were getting a little tired. Cardio wise I felt really strong.

When we reached camp Floyd we took a quick break and used the bathroom that had to be the warmest public bathroom I have ever been in. It felt good to warm up for a minute.

On the way back to the cars my legs got progressively more tired and I slowly dropped behind Crockett, although I could see his light almost all the way back. Eventually, I came to where the road forks and I turned left and I could no longer see Crockett's light. After I passed the road that we took on the first loop I started to second guess myself because I couldn't see any headlamps. I traveled the right way for a few minutes, but still couldn't see the other guys lights, and then I started to wonder if I really was close to the cars or if I still had a mile or more to go. I went back and forth on whether I should stay on the road (going the right way) or go back to the road. I realized that I hadn't wasn't sure and now I was wishing that I had the map Jun had made for me, but I had neglected to get from him. I was confused and it was dark, and I couldn't see anything except for the lights of Eagle Mountain, and Cedar Fort. I just didn't know which way was right and I was confused, so I second guessed myself and went back to the road I had passed. I started to go down that road for a while and then I thought maybe I just wasn't as close to the cars as I had thought.

When the road started heading south again I knew exactly where I was, but this is where I made the worst decision of the day. I decided to just do the first loop over again instead of going back. I thought to myself that I could remember where we had gone, but when I made it into Eagle mountain I just couldn't remember exactly which road we had taken. I second guessed myself several times, and spent the next hour going up and down multiple roads searching in vain for anything that looked familiar.

This was the worst part of the day for me. It was VERY cold and my water hose was completely frozen. I was really needing some energy and the cold just sapped any reserves that I had. It got light and after searching and moving where I thought the road was, I finally ran into a guy that was outside and asked if he knew where the Pony Express road was. I explained where we had come in, and he knew exactly where I needed to go. I was less than a quarter of a mile from the road, and I was heading in the right direction. It was a great feeling and really lifted my spirits.

When I got back to the car I was sooooo COLD and shivering. I got in my car and turned the heater on high. After a few minutes Crockett showed up and said he had been looking all over for me for the last 40 minutes and I felt really bad that I had caused him to take more time out of his day. Thanks Crockett! It took me at least 30 minutes to warm up and that is when Jun showed up. We ate some snacks and laughed about me getting lost. I can't believe I did that.

I told Jun that my right ITB was a little sore and sitting there in the car for 50 minutes really made my joints and knees stiff. We decided to do the long loop out to Cedar Fort, and the first half mile was very painful for me because I was so stiff. Once I warmed up I got into a little groove, although it was slow and I tried my best to stay with Jun who was about a quarter of a mile ahead.

After about 2.5 miles I could see Jun stop to stretch his ITB and after a few minutes he started coming back to me, so I thought maybe it was really bothering him. I was right. We both decided that it would be best to turn around and not make things worse. Both of us were experiencing some pretty good ITB pain. We ran for a while, but eventually walked a good portion of the way back to the car. It was fun even though we were both sore. We decided that the Redneck beer of choice is Bud Light, with Natural light a close second followed by Busch. There were so many cans out there. What kind of slob just throws their trash on the ground? I don't understand.

We figured that I was at 24 miles and Jun was at 31, I really wanted to get a marathon distance in, so I told Jun I was heading straight for the treadmill, and I did. I did 3 of the most painful treadmill miles of my life. I went slow, but I felt good afterward for at least reaching that goal. I think I probably went at least another mile roaming around Eagle Mountain, but I am not sure exactly how far I went.

It was a really fun day, and I learned some good lessons and actually had a great time despite getting lost. Thanks again Jun and Crockett.


Asics Kahana Miles: 27.00
Night Sleep Time: 3.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 3.00Weight: 159.00Calories: 0.00
From Smooth on Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 01:34:03 from

SCOTT!!!! You poor thing!!!! Getting lost in the dark in the middle of nowhere and running all over the place trying to find your buddies/car! It is the coldest at dawn too! That makes me want to cry! What a trooper you were! CONGRATS on running a marathon plus! Hope you got something good to eat and nurse that ITB good! Recover well! WOW! What an adventure! You boys sure do some crazy stuff!

From jun on Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 11:24:04 from

What an awesome adventure. Great job finishing your marathon and getting those miles in. I can't believe you pushed through the pain just for those three miles. Fantastic. Rest up, heal, and we'll try again soon.

Lake Mountain 50k in April!!!

From Aaron Kennard on Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 11:56:01 from

Nice job out there Scott, despite getting lost, you pushed through. That's great.

From Nevels on Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 16:34:52 from

solid run. way to keep at it through the cold and disorientation. epic.

From leslie peterson on Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 19:31:18 from

Scott, I read Davy Crockett's story of you on FB and about died laughing it was so cute! But I also felt bad you got lost, and like Smooth said, it is so cold just before dawn, what an adventure!! Your first ultra story is a doozie! There will be many more I am sure, what a crazy passion we all have! Good job Scott! Ihope the ITband heals fast!!!!

From Kelli on Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 22:07:03 from

This is one you can tell your grandkids one day, the whole lost in the wolderness!!! I am glad you got un-lost, i would have been so frazzled!!!

CONGRATS on the distance!! That is quite the accomplishment in the cold, and those 3 miles on the treadmill----UGH!!!

From Scott Wesemann on Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 00:08:24 from

Thanks for your comments everyone. Getting lost wasn't that bad. The worst part by far was getting cold and running out of energy, but I never felt like things were getting dire. I will say that a convenience store would have been very nice at the time though. I mostly felt bad because I made Jun and Crockett wait around and look for me.

The 3 miles on the TM were pretty bad.

From crockett on Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 18:21:04 from

Of course I was very relieved when I found you in your car after my third time checking it. Only after that could we laugh. I did look for your body in ditches along the way. Thanks for the great experience and now we have a classic story to tell and retell.

From missy on Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 22:42:59 from

Scotty!!! I am glad you are ok! That was quite an adventure...Will make your next one seem so easy in comparison! I mean I hope it couldn't get worse..I know exactly what your legs felt like after sitting that long..I am amazed you could run after that...Woweee! You are a beast! :D

From Twinkies on Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 19:03:18 from

What a post. Congrats on completing a crazy adventure. Heal up, they are many more crazy adventures yet to come.

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