Church ball-
I love playing sports, and basketball is one of my favorites, so it is very hard to not play when I can find a game. I know that church ball might be one of the more risky endeavers that a person can be engaged in, and I guess I will just keep taking my chances.
I had a guy run into me from behind going almost full speed. He was out of control, and I didn't see him coming, so I couldn't brace myself. He plowed into my back, and now my muscles are very tight and sore. I took 800 mg of Ibuprofen, and that helped some, but I am still very stiff. It's my own fault for playing, and I fully expect that sort of thing. I actually love contact, and playing hard, but when people get out of control it bugs me. Anyway!
Highlights of the game in case you're mildly interested:
Number of swear words said under my breath- I'll admit to two
Number of times the game had to be stopped by the officials (term used rather loosely) to chastise teams for poor sportsmanship- Two
Number of fouls I committed- At least 10, but was only called for one :)
Number of times players complained about a bad call- On every whistle
Number of players that had to go out of the game because of bleeding- one
Yes, we won the game :)