BST and Ave Twin with Jun, Sam and Dorsimus:
I met the fellas at the Capitol at 4am. It was bitter cold at the start and running up City Creek Canyon. It seemed to warm up once we got on the trail, but it was pretty frosty for most of the run. I wasn't feeling great this morning (3 hours of sleep) and I fell at least four times. I kept taking gels, but never seemed to get my steam. Sam took off at the BST cutoff and we tried to go all the way to Dry Fork so we could run to the zoo, but the trail was horrendous, so we backtracked and went up to first Ave Twin instead. The inversion was sick from up there and it is only going to get worse.
I had to deal with a leaky hose from my hydration vest for most of the run and it was a total pain. I need a new one fast. The run down was ok other than hitting the deck and doing a face plant in the snow. At the trailhead we hopped on the trail on the north side and ran up that for just over a mile before the conditions became crappy again, so we hit the road and ran until we knew we would hit 15 miles. It actually felt good to get on the road and out of the snow for the run down. We got back to the car and the temp was 4. Frosty. I think I just barely warmed up 3 hours later.
