Today we went down to Liberty, got a drink at the fountain, then went over to the new marks by the tennis courts and did 2 400s, recovery to the start, then went to the mile mark and did 2 800s, recovery back to the mile mark, then back to the new marks and did 2 more 400s. I was aiming for 80s on the 400s and 2:50s on the 800s. My times went 76, 76, 2:45, 2:52, 78, 75. The 400s felt really short, but I got that familiar burn in my legs I haven't had for a while. It hurt but felt good. Weird. The first 800 I felt like I was pushing pretty good, the second one I fell off Bill and if I would have stayed with him I would have hit 2:45 again. Wish I would have. The next 400 was hard, and then the last I forced myself to push. I surprised myself, I didn't think I could hit 80s, I thought it would be hard, but no I hit a 75! Now to be able to hit those 4 times in a row...without stopping...