Ran to the school, then we went Legacy Bridge way up to the trail and took it to JCC and up JCC until just before the elbow and turned, heading back the same way. I'm kind of sore. It was really windy. But also temps are in the 60s! This is crazy, it's February! I hope this doesn't mean summer is gonna be unbearably hot but it probably does. No more inversion! The view was clear for once, I think I take the landscape/scenery here for granted sometimes. Not today, it's beautiful!
I've been really worn out the past week, but I know right now is the time to be tired. Soon I'll be used to it (ish) and when we start to back off I know my times will come down. I also know I have to work my hardest right now, I have 3.5 months left. And I've decided I need to break 5 by April, and the only way to achieve that is by working 10 times harder than I ever have. So bring it on.