Deseret News 10k. Would have liked it better as a 5k, my last half absolutely sucked. I saw Davis girls at the start and picked them out and hung with them, then I guess I got focused and went with the faster girl and we broke away from the other girls. I fell off of her, but tried to stay positive cause that's what gets me. Worked until about halfway down South Temple, when people started passing me. I would try to go with people every once in a while, but I sort of lost the umph I had at the start. Going along the parade route it took everything I had to just keep running, I am ashamed that I had the strongest desire to walk. I never did though. My last mile was a whooping 8:26. Yay hoo. I was absolutely dead by then. But first 3 miles was 18:39! First mile 5:37, second split 11:42. Granted it was downhill but still. Good wake up call though, I haven't raced once since track State. I think I have the speed so once we start speed workouts my speed will be fine, I just gotta work on strength. Build up that mileage. I didn't really prepare well for this race, didn't feel ready. Sort of like I just hopped in at the last minute. I also raced in trainers cause I couldn't find my flats :(