Afternoon...... Not in a workout mood... didnt want to workout didnt want to do much urghhh! I forced myself to the gym ( yes me I forced myself, even sat in the car for 10mins contemplating whether to bother or not or to just sit in the car and go to sleep, I was tired very tired and proper issed fed up off urghh).... So I had told Kim (marathon Dreamer) on FB everyone has days like this just go see what you can do sometimes it turns around and is great other times you quit after 30 mins but you got something done :-O I was thinking this and thought come on you lazy weight watcher get your bumm out and in the gym..... so xtrainer I lasted 15 mins level 6 was bored urghhh so I did my sit and press ups training press ups reps then straight into the sit ups no rest then 60 secs rest which was kneeling on the swiss ball for this rest ha rest my rear end rest lol so thats 5 x 1 min kneeling on swiss ball. press ups ( I was in a bad mood so I was good at these today give it *ell) 18,18,20,20,25 Oh My Word 25 is the best yet I will ache tomorrow or Fri if its DOMS 101 in total of press ups woohoooo. Sit ups 30,30,30,30,40, 40 did an extra excruciating 40 to make upto 200 in total most yet to date. Core work. I did 30mins at least after the sit ups press ups swiss ball med ball plank 2 x 1 min swiss ball kneel with medium med ball russian twist Im getting good at this Swiss ball med ball plank tried the tuck under were you roll the swiss ball under with your feet while balancing your hands on the med ball this blooming hard did 2 sets of 5 and collapsed LOL did the swiss ball side core thingies 2 sets of 25 bridge swiss ball one legged and two legged numerous amounts although did more on the weaker left leg, and did the pelvis ones so it was repeats rather than just holding. 10 mins boxer skipping but doing 2 hops each leg swop this is great for feet reaction speed and strengthening your ankles etc.... I always do these when training for track! 25 mins on the xtrainer progressive starting at level 5 going upto level 9 sweat rating (Shower) LOL Im doing doubles so its gym in the afternoon inc cardio and a run of an evening should be an easy run today but I didnt have much time and wanted to get 6 miles in :-O my son was at football trials for his own team tonight, I wanted to watch the end of it so it was 40 mins I had to run to see the last 30-40 mins. 6 miles windy conditions or breezy in 42 mins I pushed the paced but not too much I think I did 2 miles around 8 min pace then picked the pace up to 7 mins and through some 6.30 mins in to make it quicker to be back in time. I was pleased as I was on my own and my pb for 10k is 37mins so not bad eh ! The problem with doubles is two showers a day two sets of training clothes, more washing rotating trainers and just the skin problem of washing so much LOL so its oil up now too gotta have not dry flaky skin LOL |