I love burpees

Week starting Mar 16, 2014

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Member Since:

Jan 24, 2011



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

-I'm an avid runner and crossfitter turned obstacle racer.  This year has brought on new and unexpected opportunities racing in Spartan races.  I'm in love with this new challenging part of my life.

Here is what I've come away with so far

1st - Socal Super Spartan 2013

1st - Texas Sprint Spartan2013

2nd- Las Vegas Super Spartan 2013

3rd - Arizona Sprint Spartan 2013

3rd - Atlas Obstacle Race 2013

5th - Spartan World Championships 2013


Future Races

October?? maybe Sacramento Beast Spartan

December - Texas Beast



Short-Term Running Goals:

I am working to become the best obstacle  racer I can be.  If that goes hand in hand with a National Championship title, than I will have met 2 of my goals/dreams.


Long-Term Running Goals:

Another sub 3 hour marathon

Sub 1:20 half marathon

I want to complete an ironman and some ultra races.

I Hope to be running until I'm 100.



I have 2 boys (7 and 4) and a little girl (14 months) that keep me on my toes and make life worth living..  I've been married to my better half (Jim clark) for 10 years.  I teach fitness classes and am a personal trainer - my 2nd love is Zumba!  I love what i do!

I hold Obstacle Training Groups at my house on saturdays -I feel so blessed to be able to help others.

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I'm not often completely frustrated at crossfit, but today i was almost in tears.  It is sooo rediculous, but I can't even get one double under now (the rope goes under your feet 2 times for each jump).  It's all about timing, I just don't feel it yet.

So today we did "Annie" and i didn't even finish it!  Here's the workout


Double unders

sit ups

you do 50 DU, then 50 Sit ups, then 40 DU and so on. 

I had to stick around and just do other things to get a workout it.

3 sets

bench press - 75  - 8 reps

1 leg decline lunges - 50 lbs

Later in the day, I ran the water tower trail as a recovery run

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I wanted more of an easy workout since I was tired from sat, but ended up with a not so easy one.

My plan was:

1 mile warm up


pick up atlas stone- 75 lbs - walk/drop pick up - x 6 times

400 m

pull tire to me - 4 x

400 m

carry bucket'

400 m

tractor pull with tire

Repeat all 3 x

Well I only made it 2 x and felt like my body wasn't ready to push

I ran an extra 4 miles - but 2 were straight back into a nasty cold head wind.  I was miserable and in a bad mood by the time I got home.  Ugh

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I got to teach Zumba on my new day of the week and I loved it!

Jim was with me, so we went to crossfit after the class.  Oh man, I'm still so exhausted from last saturday's race!

Our warmup:)

2000 m row as a team, 30 lbs kettlebell farmer carry, 7 wall balls - x 3!


see how many you can do in 1 min - no break between

1 min push ups - (I got 32)

1 min air squats - (48)

1 min pull ups- (22)


25 burpees

25 thrusters  - 85 for women

25 burpees

every min you have to stop and do 7 sit ups!

I was dying by the end - seriously!

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Treadmill run - still super tired from last sat

I got this from a track coach - wanted to see how I liked it.

All done at 6.0 on treadmill with 7lb weight vest, 1/2 time rest

10%-6 min/ 3 min rest

11% - 5 min

12% - 4min

13% - 3 min

14% - 2 min

15% - 1 min


This was longer than my typically treadmill workout, and so was difficult in another way.  It wasn't intense, just long suffering.  Without weight vest, could've done the whole thing much faster.


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I didn't register for the Crossfit Open, but I decided to do 14.4 today.  i wish I had attempted a few muscle ups before the workout - I wasn't even sure I would get to them before I started.  Here's the workout.

14 min - get as much done as you can

Row- 60 cal (took me 3.5 min)

50 Toe to Bar - Brutal!  15 unboken, and then 5 or so at a time

40 Wall Balls - 30 unbroken, then 10

30 Power Cleans 135 - men 95 lb- women - 10 unbroken, 4-5 at a time after

20 Ring Muscle Ups - nada

I got all the way to the muscle ups - I had 1 min to attempt them.  I can do them on the bar, just never practice on the rings.  I was so bummed that I had so much time and couldn't get any!  I would've gotten a decent score I'm sure. - but I guess I'll take 180

We started with workout with front squats - 85 lb every min do a clean and then 5 - 10 min



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Oh man, I need to catch up!  Guess I'll be doing some half effort back logging tonight!

Today was not a good one for me.  We had a girl get hurt (I know it happens, but it just sucks) at my training group.  I was worried about her the whole time as a few of them took her to instacare.  She ended up hurting her sternum cause she had fallen but was otherwise ok. 

I had set up a nice course for a large group that was coming and was pretty excited.  We ran down into Cholla creek, and had lots of obstacles, including our new one - the 60 lb tractor pull.  They did amazing, no one got lost, and I was inspired and proud to see them all working so hard.

But by the time I got to my own workout afterwards, I was exausted and pretty disheartened.   I had to start my run like that:(  This is one workout that I actually don't think benefited me at all.  I only got 7 miles in, but did tons of obstacles.  I didn't feel like pushing anything, and even walked a bit on the way home.  I just wasnt into it. I'll rest up and hopefully start refreshed next week. 

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