brrrrrr. st george is freezing!!! 8 deg when I was supposed to run this morn, so I asked a friend to watch my kids later so I could run. I did crossfit in the am instead. I'm slightly obsessed with crossfit now, and it is just so much easier to got somewhere that has your workout for you - and you know you will be pushed.
first 15 min establigh a 1 rep max for a strict overhead press - YOu can't use your legs to get the weight up.
I felt like a wimp - only could get 70 lb???
for time:
thrusters 75 lb
box jumps 20 inch
added on a bonus round at the end of
21 thrusters at 55 lb and then 21 pull ups
I ran down to the track later with the intention of running 400s. Well some highschool guys were there running short sprints and I asked if I could join them (half kidding, half serious). Well they said they were done, but were going to do a tempo run - and invited me along. I eagerly accepted - I would so much rather be pushed then run a dreary round of 400s on a half snow covered track.
So I started out (we were supposed to do 6:30s) but the front guy went much faster. I decided to stick with him. I was exhausted from the days workout and having a hard time breathing in the cold, but I kept my pace in the 6:10s-6:20s. It wasn't horrible, and am looking forward to next time!