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Sand Hollow Marathon

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Member Since:

Jan 24, 2011



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

-I'm an avid runner and crossfitter turned obstacle racer.  This year has brought on new and unexpected opportunities racing in Spartan races.  I'm in love with this new challenging part of my life.

Here is what I've come away with so far

1st - Socal Super Spartan 2013

1st - Texas Sprint Spartan2013

2nd- Las Vegas Super Spartan 2013

3rd - Arizona Sprint Spartan 2013

3rd - Atlas Obstacle Race 2013

5th - Spartan World Championships 2013


Future Races

October?? maybe Sacramento Beast Spartan

December - Texas Beast



Short-Term Running Goals:

I am working to become the best obstacle  racer I can be.  If that goes hand in hand with a National Championship title, than I will have met 2 of my goals/dreams.


Long-Term Running Goals:

Another sub 3 hour marathon

Sub 1:20 half marathon

I want to complete an ironman and some ultra races.

I Hope to be running until I'm 100.



I have 2 boys (7 and 4) and a little girl (14 months) that keep me on my toes and make life worth living..  I've been married to my better half (Jim clark) for 10 years.  I teach fitness classes and am a personal trainer - my 2nd love is Zumba!  I love what i do!

I hold Obstacle Training Groups at my house on saturdays -I feel so blessed to be able to help others.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Race: Sand Hollow Marathon (26.2 Miles) 03:02:30, Place overall: 1, Place in age division: 1
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

i apologize beforehand for the long race report.  This entry is not for the faint of heart, i'm just warning ya.

What a day!  The good news first.  Today's course was tough, and i walked away feeling good about it.  Even though there weren't a ton of racers today, i pushed myself and feel way  good about my race prospects for the rest of the year!

I knew last night that there wasn't going to be many ladies that would be tough competition.  My friend aimee is always tough, and i knew i'd have to keep my eye on her. But i decided to just try and run strong no matter what.  I had good, better, best time goals to meet.  since st george marathon was a disaster, i just had to beat that time (3:13). better would be sub 3:05, and best would be sub 3:00.  

 I had the flu earlier in the week, but had felt good the past couple of days and got lots of rest.  i was excited for this marathon though cause i love the course, and i was feeling strong everytime i ran it.

I didn't get the sleep i wanted cause jim was camping and i had to get the kids to bed on my own.  i had to foam roll everything and massage my abs cause i wasn 't feeling terribly fresh.  But lack of sleep never seems to get to me, and i felt ready when i woke up at 6 am.  The race started at 7:30, and it felt great to start it a little bit later.  I didn't get much of a warm up in, but the pace felt good after starting.  i wore my race singlet, capris, arm warmers, and compression socks, but the only thing that was freezing was my hands (the whole time).  Weather was in the 40s to 50s for the whole race.  The rain that we got later on certainly didn't help. 

I started out running the first 4 miles with steve hooper, and then he pulled away a little ( i love that this was his "training run")  I wanted to try and stay with him, but i wanted to make sure i could make it back and was being cautious with my ab injury.  There weren't any ladies around for a while, just a couple running center guys (james holt was behind for a while and joe (i think) out in front) and steve.  i pretty much ran on my own the whole time, and honestly really liked it.  It was great scenery and i loved just going into my little world on my run.  Had stomach problems after mile 8 - grrrr.  turned out to be more than i thought.

so here r my splits

miles 1-6 - terrain was slightly uphill to flat - pace felt pretty effortless

6:38 , 6:45, 6:31, 6:35, 6:43, 6:46

mile 7 - 6:50 first climb - hill was long but gradual - maybe 6-7% incline - kept my pace up it

mile 8-6:28 downhill -nemisis -  definitely could have cruised down it but held back cause thats what tends to bother my abs - pains were coming and going in my abs but never stayed - yay!

miles 9-11    6:40, 6:46, 7:19 -  legs still feeling good on the rolling hills, but, i started to have weird stomach problems. it wasn't my ab muscles, but felt like it was right underneath them.  i was also getting some runner's stomach (dangit) and knew a potty brake was imminent soon.  so that came at mile 11 - my hands were so cold it made the process slower than i wanted.  anyhow, thats why it was 7:19.

miles - 12-13        6:53, 6:46 - half marathon time was 1:28 - i was stoked and still feeling strong with the exception of stomach probs, got a drive by visit from my honey and felt reinvigorated

miles 14 - 16         6:53, 7:00, 7:06 - ouch  - hills are rollling up more than down and stomach is not feeling good - weird stomach pain getting worse along with runner's stomach - - the next girl is at least 2 miles behind me

miles -17-7:11  bathroom stop # 2, i made it snappy

mile - 18 - 8:31 THE WALL - seriously felt like i was running up one going up nemisis.  I don't know the % incline on that but it was nasty.  at one point my watch said 9 min mile!

mile 19 -20   6:43, 7:06 - got my legs moving again - terrain goes down then  up

mile 21 - 8;04 bathroom stop # 3 - felt sorry for the guy behind me as this was not a porta potty stop - emergency:(  i officially had no shame at the point - i did warn him though

miles 22 - 26    7:23, 7:13, 7:00, 7:06 - This was supposed to be slightly downhill into town, but didn't feel like it!  The rain had started pouring, and i was chilled to the bone.  If felt like i had weights on my legs but i was still moving.  Amber's word, Courage, kept going through my head.  i was wanting to slow so badly but kept going:)

mile .2 6:01 ran it in.  Felt great to take first!

I took gels at 5, 9, 13, 17, 23 - felt like i had plenty of water with it

that's part 1 of my day

Part 2 - I went in the building. and stomach immediately starts getting worse.  i tried to chug down some soda, and water, but it made it worse.  i wanted to wait around for friends to come in and awards ceremony, but i was about ready to lose it in many ways.  i got my sweet sandstone arch trophy (thank u) and $100 to classic sports (double thank u!). 

Got home, and things went downhill...fast. i was shaking from being so cold from the rain and went against my better judgement with a hot bath.  sorry but this is a tad gorey.  turn back now if you have a sensitive stomach! i was feeling pretty nauseated, but food and water were making everything hurt so much worse. Well to skip all gorey details, i ended up on the bathroom floor in the fetal position waiting for an ambulance to come.  my father in law had called cause i wasn't exactly functioning.  i would have protested but didn't have a choice. it felt like i was passing a kidney stone or something like it.  i have had pretty nasty runner's stomach before but this was worse.  Lets just say there was blood where there shouldn't have been.

so ambulance came (oh my gosh.....so embarrassing!!!) They had to coax me to get on the stretcher, and had a painful ride to the hospital.  by the time i got there, the i.v., antinausea, and pain meds had helped a bit.  the pain had been going for 5 hours, and they gave me a heavy duty stronger than morphine pain releiver and i felt like crying from the relief. 

I spent 7 hours at the hospital, getting many ivs and tests.  they determine that i had tears in the section of my colon that is in my upper abdomen, and that everytime food and water was passing through it, i was experiencing that pain.  i was extremely dehydrated on top of that. What caused it?  The doc said that i was probably down and out still from my flu earlier in the week.  throwing up and looseness, shall i say, can cause tears in the colon if they are bad.  Well they prob would've healed on their own, but the marathon made it worse.  it wasn't getting the blood flow that it needed to heal during the run, and it just made it worse.  then anytime food, water, gel, whatever were pushed through, i was in pain.  and i got so dehydrated cause i didn't drink enough cause it hurt. ok, so enough of the grossness!

2 crappy post marathon experiences in a row make me not want to do anymore dang it.  if anyone has input on other fueling options than gel in marathons, i would love to hear them.  I think it gives me stomach aches in races.  and i can't eat things while i run. i got dehydrated at st george, but felt like i had enough water this time during the race. i would love suggestions on runner's stomach solutions so i can feel confident in running another marathon without dying after its over!

good news is, recovery should be pretty easy.  it prob shouldn't take longer than the next week to heal things internally!

So great day, crappy day

Weight: 0.00
From Steve Hooper on Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 10:20:57 from

We're glad to hear you're back home. Rest up as much as possible.

You rocked it today!

From MichelleL on Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 12:30:21 from

My goodness. That was an extreme experience. I can empathize with the non-portapotty experience. I am sorry you got so very ill afterward, I am so glad someone was there to call the ambulance. Congrats on the huge PR. I wouldn't give up on the marathon, just marathons right after the flu?

From JamesH on Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 17:05:44 from

Wow! Glad to hear that your ok. I am even more impressed about your race now knowing all this was going on behind the scenes. Dont have any words of advice for you about your stomach but that does give me something to think about on my issue. Rest up and let that heal.

From JulieC on Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 18:09:30 from

for a tough marathon you sure ROCKED it!! WELL DONE :D

From AmberG on Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 18:10:35 from

TY!!!! Congrats on you race GIRL! You did so great and so glad you had "courage" to push through, , ,You are so strong.

Sorry about your painful marathon aftermath and hospital visit. . . sheesh that sounds awful!

Glad you are ok now, and I'm pretty sure you are the toughest girl I know!!. . . rest up cuz I need ya on Thursdays :)

From josse on Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 19:25:36 from

congrats on the 1st place finish. I have had many bad experiences post race to were I am puking my guts out or just extremely sick after. I have found that it is a salt imbalance for me and if I can keep that in check I don't get sick or dehydrated. I use prolytes and they work great. I also use a gel that has protein in it called accell gel it doesn't upset my stomach like some other do. Sorry about all the drama afterwards.

I was wondering if you are the same Ty that use to run with the sojourners many years ago. If so we used to run together.

From Burt on Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 02:48:11 from

Uh, I think I may have nightmares tonight.

But that's a great time. Great job on the race!

From Holt on Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 11:07:12 from

Congrats Ty - and glad that you are going to be okay.

From ty on Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 15:14:24 from

Josse! Of course I remember u girl. U ran for UVSC right? U whipped me into better shape training with ya. Man its been like 10 ten years. I still remember some of our crazy brutal workouts.

Well ya it sounds like we have simar problems, and I'm definitely going to take your suggestions.where do u get your prolytes from? And your protein gel? My doc also said I may be getting exercise induced colitis - does that sound familiar to u.

From ty on Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 15:15:54 from

Thanks for everyone's support! Next time ill try to stay with u speedy guys!

From josse on Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 21:05:45 from

i get both from the runners corner, i am sure u could find them on-line.

From Steve Hooper on Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 17:00:39 from

Ty, how many of the aid station did you hydrate at?

From ty on Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 18:36:07 from

Steve, every 4 miles. Most of the cup of water too. Should have been enough I think.

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