This morning I woke up early and ran 2.9 miles over to the 3900-South Trax Station and took the train to downtown then transferred to a bus to get to work. Once at work, I met up with my friend Dave who is running the TOU marathon this weekend (his first marathon) for a taper run. We were planning to just run four miles, but we ended up running 5.1 miles at a relatively relaxed 7:22 pace. I then did a 0.3-mile cool down before heading off to work.
For my non-running workout, I was able to get in 300 sit-ups.
Five-Minute Plank Challenge: 30 second plank and side planks
Trying-To-Go-Out-Of-My-Way-To-Eat-Healthy Challenge: a giant blueberry smoothie and a protein bar