On an absolutely beautiful Saturday morning, I did my first twenty-plus mile run since the Salt Lake Marathon. I started by running from my home up the Skyline High School (completed this first five miles of the run in a time of 39:34) where I met up with one of my Wasatch Back teammates. From the high school we ran 2.5 miles together up Millcreek Canyon and I ran be myself another 2.5 miles up to the Canyon’s Winter Gates. After running back down the Canyon, I ran over to REI to pickup some GUs and Clif Bars. Then I ran down to The Salt Lake Running Company to pickup a new pair of Adidas Super Nova Sequence running shoes, two pairs of standard running socks (i.e., Balega and Wigwam), and my first pair Zoot compression/recovery socks (i.e., gearing up for the Wasatch Back). From the running store, I jogged back home. The total distance of this run was 21.1 miles at an easy pace.
Today marked another repeat of day eleven (week 4, day 2) of the Push-up Challenge. My sets consisted of 25, 29, 25, 25, and a max set of 30 push-ups. Even though I completed a total of 134 push-ups (the most I have ever done over five sets), I fell short of completing this day by six push-ups on the final set. Currently, there is no way I have a shot at completing the 40-push-up set required of day twelve. As a result, my plan is to continue to repeat day eleven until I have it down. I also accomplished 200 sit-ups and a 90-second wall sit. |