Happy Halloween!!! It was my final interval workout before the big marathon on Sunday and I'm really disappointed it did not go as planned. I got to work early and was planning to get in 6.0 miles of half-mile intervals (the fast halves being at 11.2 mph while the slow halves being at a speed of 9.2 mph) on the treadmill. However, after 4 miles (in a time of 23:56), I became ill and just could not push through it. I decided to cool down for a half mile and call it a day. Not good, but hopefully I'll have a better workout tomorrow.
For my non-running workout, I was able to complete just 300 sit-ups.
Five-Minute Plank Challenge: 30 second plank and side planks
Trying-To-Go-Out-Of-My-Way-To-Eat-Healthy Challenge: another serving of oatmeal