For the third straight Saturday, I ran 2.1 miles up to the Salt Lake Running Company for a group run. It was a little chilly outside and the snow was falling lightly; therefore, the turnout was down from the past few weeks. However, including the two staff members that led the run, we had nine runners show up for the workout. Breaking out with the lead pace group, we ran up to 1700 East and completed two loops up to 1900 East and between roughly 2400 South and 3300 South before heading back to the store. The total distance of this run was 6.6 miles, which we completed at a 7:23 minutes per mile pace. Then to conclude my daily running workout, I ran 2.4 miles back to home.
Finally, my non-running was concise in that I just completed 300 sit-ups and 30 push-ups. |