10 miles on the Murdock canal trail, I scared the begeezees out of some girl as I ran up behind her and said "good morning", she in turn screamed really loud and scared the begeezees out of me.
I can't seem to get out of ultra training mode, I try to run faster but my legs just don't want to do it. My knee was still bothering me for the first 4 miles, then it got better.
No run today, I had to drive my doggie all the way to Layton this morning so Grandma and Grandpa can baby sit her while we go to Wyoming. I probably wont run tomorrow either since we are leaving early. But then after that I plan on running lots.
Well, I thought we'd be driving all day today but I left work early yesterday and we ended up driving up to Wyoming last night instead. We got to Sheridan at 12:30am, I went directly to bed and woke up like clockwork at 5:00am, so I did what I do at 5:00am and went running. Very nice morning, 65ish degrees I pretty much ran the entire Sheridan City trail system 10.5 miles then circled back and picked up my wife for a 3.5 mile run. She is going to try and run her 5K PR on Friday at the annual Sneakers and Spurs 5K, put on by the same folks that do the BigHorn 50. I'm in no shape to try and run a fast 5K so I will either pace her, or run with my 10 year old if I can convince him to run it.
Pretty happy getting in 14 today, I'm going to try and get some decent miles in this vacation week. I really don't have anything else to do but run.
I kind of thought the whole Chi Running thing was a fad, until I met this guy at the Big Horn 50. Pretty interesting stuff.
Ran out Big Goose road this morning, great little 2 lane country road that runs next to the river all the way out to the Big Horn mountains. Perfect morning, and saw lots of wildlife, the non threatening kind. I took my 10 year old with me, he rode Grandmas mountain bike, and Grandpa Bob decided to tag along as well so I had a little entourage with me, actually how many people are needed to make an entourage? Anyway, really nice run, I sure wish I lived in a place where I could walk out my front door and have this type of running route every morning. My average pace going out to 7 miles was around 8:00, when I got back I noticed that my average overall was 7:29, so that means I actually averaged 7:00 coming back, which I'm quite surprised with cause I didn't try that much harder, I think it probably is a net uphill going out and down coming back though. It seems to just be rolly both ways.
7 easy miles around Sheridan this morning, now we're off to run the Sneakers and Spurs 5K. I'm going to run with Bradin my 10 year old. We're shooting for 28:00, is that good for a 10 year old? Furthest he's ran is 2 before today.
26:36 official time for Bradin
23:32 for Britt
I'm really glad we set an obtainable goal for his first race, he's totally stoked now and wants to go run more races.
Plan was 18, considered running 20 until I saw that it was 72 degrees at 5:00am so I reverted back to the 18 plan. Ran out Big Goose road again with my father in law riding bike support. It's really nice to have someone there handing you water any time you need. Really muggy and buggy this morning, it kind of wiped me out, I was going to try some sort of tempo run on the way back but It was just to stinking hot. I came to Wyoming to get away for the heat but apparently you can't escape it.
Big day today, the Rodeo Finals YeeHaa! This town is so funny the entire town shuts down for the rodeo, even the YMCA is closed for rodeo festivities.